Table 1.
Category | Inclusion | Exclusion |
Participants | Primary school children aged 4-12 y | Children aged <4 or >12 y; children with special needs (eg, obesity only) |
Intervention | School-based health promotion interventions, with the main aim of improving or promoting FV consumption and/or NK in primary school children | Interventions on mental or emotional health, eating disorders, community farming or gardening only, and cultural aspects |
Comparator | With control group | Without control group |
Outcomes | Quantitative results of child F, V, or FV intake (eg, grams or ES) and/or NK (eg, score or ES) | No quantitative results of child F, V, FV intake, or NK (eg, described only) |
Study design | Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of quantitative studies. Only results from relevant intervention studies were extracted for inclusion. Reviews published in English language between 2010 and August 2020 | When results for children, school-based, or FV intake and NK were not reported separately (eg, only reporting means for the whole study sample including children and adults). Studies of multicomponent programs only if no separate results for the individual components were listed |
Abbreviations: F, fruit; FV, fruits and vegetables; NK, nutrition knowledge; V, vegetable.