Fig. 1.
LED devices used for tPBM Protocols A, B, and C. Protocol A: In-office treatments with red/NIR, LED cluster heads (1); two sets of six, LED cluster heads were held in place with a soft, breathable, nylon cap (arrow, 2), MedX Health, Inc., Canada. Supplementary Table 2 lists all LED parameters. Protocol B: At-home treatments with single, NIR diodes (810 nm, pulsed 40 Hz) placed on scalp only over cortical nodes, Default Mode Network, including a single, NIR intranasal applicator directed towards olfactory bulbs to indirectly treat connections with hippocampal areas (3), Neuro Gamma device; plus a separate, red intranasal diode (4), Vielight, Inc., Canada. Not necessary to shave the head. Additional home treatment information is in Supplementary Text Material 2. Protocol C: In-office treatment with a helmet (5), lined with red/NIR, LED cluster heads placed in rows inside the helmet (6), THOR Photomedicine, Ltd., UK. NIR, near-infrared. Permissions: Protocol A, (2) reprinted with authors’ permission from [59]. Protocol B, (3) and (4) reprinted with permission from Vielight, Inc., in the public domain.