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. 2023 Jan 20;79(Pt 2):100–110. doi: 10.1107/S2059798323000025

Table 3. Bond lengths, valence angles and torsion angles for EYW in PDB entry 6gh7 with more than 0.02 Å, 5° and 30° deviation from ideal, respectively.

If the values are above the cutoff for at least one set of restraints (GeoStd or QMR), they are listed for both refinements to allow comparison. Bond values are in Å, while bond angles and torsions are in degrees.

    GeoStd QMR
  Large deviations Target Actual Δ Target Actual Δ
Bonds C1—C15 1.534 1.514 0.020 1.551 1.521 0.031
  C1—C12 1.530 1.548 −0.018 1.546 1.574 −0.028
Angles C15—C1—N12 111.6 118.8 −7.2 112.9 117.9 −5.0
Torsions C9—C10—C11—N12 210.9 143.3 67.6 142.6 144.2 −1.6
  C1—C15—N14—C13 37.2 −16.4 53.6 −13.8 −16.2 2.4
  C1—C12—C13—N14 −6.5 31.8 −38.4 27.0 30.4 −3.4