Figure 3.
(A) First round PCR product of EBNA-3C gene. Lane 1 is a 500 bp DNA Ladder (50–500 bp). Lanes 2, 3, and 5–8 represent EBV type I amplicons “EBNA-3C, 153 bp”. Lane 4 represents EBV type II amplicons “EBNA-3C, 246 bp”. Lane 9 corresponds to the negative control (nuclease-free water with master mix). Lanes 10 and 11 correspond to the EBV-negative control samples. (B) Second round of the PCR product of the EBNA-3C gene. Lane 1 is a 500 bp DNA Ladder (50–500 bp). Lanes 2, 3, and 5–8 represent EBV type I amplicons “EBNA-3C, 75 bp”. Lane 4 represents EBV type II amplicons “EBNA-3C, 168 bp”. Lane 9 corresponds to the negative control (nuclease-free water with master mix).