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. 2023 Jan 17;13(3):326. doi: 10.3390/ani13030326

Table 6.

Permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) in bacterial compositions of fecal samples considering different variables.

Variables Grouping Pseudo–F p–Value
Clinical condition HC vs. IBD 4.83 0.006 *
Age Young (<4)/adult (4–8)/senior (>8) 0.88 0.471
Sex Male/female 2.13 0.112
Fertile status Spayed or neutered/entire 1.19 0.312
Breed Pure-breed/mixed-breed 2.68 0.055
Weight Small (<10 Kg)/medium-size (10–20 Kg)/large-size (>20 Kg) 2.34 0.048 *
BCS Low (1–4)/normal (5)/higher (6–9) 1.08 0.398
Living with other pets Yes/no 3.35 0.031 *
Habitat Indoor/50–50/outdoor 0.61 0.674
Clinical onset–diagnosis NA/more than a year/less than a year 2.65 0.037 *
Clinical activity indexes
CIBDAI [31] NA, clinically insignificant, mild, moderate, severe 2.07 0.029 *
CCECAI [28] NA, clinically insignificant, mild, moderate, severe, very severe 1.18 0.316
Endoscopic indexes
Slovak et al.
Stom. Quan. Scores (0–4) 1.62 0.111
Stom. Qual. Scores (0–3) 1.10 0.353
Duod. Quan. Scores (0–6) 0.86 0.598
Duod. Qual. Scores (0–4) 0.49 0.893
Esophagus Scores (0–6) 0.83 0.619
Stomach Scores (0–12) 1.20 0.256
Duodenum Scores (0–15) 0.79 0.775
Histopathological indexes
Stomach Scores (0–8) 0.93 0.559
Duodenum Scores (0–18) 1.26 0.180
Stomach Scores (0–6) 0.33 0.985
Duodenum Scores (0–14) 1.07 0.382

* p-value was significant when < 0.05; BCS, body condition score; CIBDAI, canine IBD activity index; CCECAI, canine chronic enteropathy clinical activity index; duod., duodenum; HC, healthy control; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; NA, not applied; qual., qualitative; quant., quantitative; stom., stomach; WSAVA, World Small Animal Veterinary Association.