Figure 2.
(A) The protocol for evaluating the effect of the number of cycles of progesterone on the endometrium in PCOS in Study A. The second and third biopsies were performed under progesterone treatment in the pilot study; (B) The protocol of treatment and biopsy for PCOS in Study B; (C) The protocol of treatment and biopsy for the control group in Study C. Baseline of A and B: Patients having amenorrhea with negative beta HCG; Baseline of C: patients with regular menses without any PCOS features; a progesterone treatment period with 400 mg micronized progesterone through the vaginal route; * the first biopsy was performed during the 5th to 9th day of the menstrual cycle; ** the biopsy was done during the progesterone treatment during the 20th to 24th day of the menstrual cycle.