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. 2023 Jan 17;20(3):1669. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20031669

Table 1.

Master search strategy. Shown is the strategy designed in Ovid MEDLINE and adapted for other databases. *: indicates truncation to capture multiple suffices of the base search term. Abbreviations: ti: title; ab: abstract.

Search terms Category
1 (green exercis* or green gym* or blue exercis* or blue gym* or ecotherap*).ti,ab. Outdoor Exercise
2 (exercis* or physical activit* or walk* or physical fit* or run* or athlet*).ti,ab. Exercise
3 (outdoor* or outside* or park* or greenspace* or green space* or bluespace* or blue space* or natural environment* or nature or forest* or biodivers* or horticultur*).ti,ab Outdoors
4 (indoor* or inside* or laboratory or gym* or home* or buil*).ti,ab. Indoors
5 2 and 3
6 1 or 5
7 4 and 6
8 limit 7 to English language