Table 5.
R4Alz-R Tasks | Std. Deviation after Min–Max Normalization | AUC |
WMCUT S3 | 0.23166 | 0.839 |
ICT-RST 1 & 2 | 0.26460 | 0.832 |
ICT-RST FS | 0.31163 | 0.791 |
CFT | 0.23456 | 0.876 |
CFT Con. B | 0.31586 | 0.832 |
Abbreviations: WMCUT S3: Working Memory Capacity and Updating Task—working memory updating & working memory component of the episodic buffer; ICT-RST 1 & 2: Inhibitory Control & Task/Rule Switching Task—Subtasks 1 (Inhibition) and 2 (Task/Rule switching); ICT-RST FS: Failed sets on the Inhibitory Control & Task/Rule Switching Task; CFT: Cognitive Flexibility Task; CFT Con. B: Cognitive Flexibility Task—2nd level of difficulty.