Table 3.
Author (Year)/ Country |
Prevalence of PIPs According to STOPP/ START Criteria |
No. of Criteria Calculated STOPP | PIPs Detected According to STOPP Criteria | Average PIPs Detected According to STOPP | Prevalence of PIPs (STOPP Criteria) | No. of Criteria Calculated START | PIPs Detected According to START Criteria | Average PIPs Detected According to START | Prevalence of PIPs (START Criteria) | Risk Factors Associated with PIPs |
n (%) | (n) | n (%) | Mean (SD; Range) | n (%) | (n) | n (%) | Mean (SD; Range) | n (%) | ||
Carvalho et al. (2019)/ Portugal [54] |
NS | 29 | 529 (32.5) Most prevalent criteria: STOPP K1: 134 STOPP K2: 99 |
NS | NS | 1 | NS | NS | NS | NS |
Stojanovic et al. (2020)/ Serbia [58] |
NS | All | 841 (NS) Most prevalent section: STOPP K: 448 (53.1) STOPP D: 357 (42.3) |
NS | 344 (86) Most prevalent criteria: STOPP K1: 253 (NS) STOPP D5: 207 (NS) Neuroleptics: 152 (NS) STOPP D6: 100 (NS) |
All | 1067 (NS) Most prevalent section: START I: 627 (52.4) START A: 318 (26.5) |
NS | 399 (99.7) Most prevalent criteria: START I1: 399 (NS) START I2: 228 (NS) START A3: 99 (NS) |
STOPP Age (ρ = 0.17; p = 0.02) Prescribed drugs (ρ = 0.17; p = 0.003) START Age (ρ = 0.10; p = 0.02) Prescribed drugs (ρ = 0.17; p = 0.0005) Number of diagnoses (ρ = 0.40; p < 0.0001) CCI (ρ = 0.31; p ≤ 0.0001) MCI (ρ = 0.35; p < 0.0001) |
Anrys et al. (2018)/ Belgium [56] |
NS | 76 | NS Most prevalent criteria: STOPP K1:659 (46.7) STOPP D5: 644 (45.7) STOPP K2: 417 (29.6) STOPP I1: 190 (13.5) STOPP D9: 184 (13.0) |
2 (NS) | NS | 31 | NS Most prevalent criteria: START E5: 726 (51.5) START A3: 303 (21.5) START E4: 295 (20.9) START G3: 221 (15.7) START A6:196 (13.9) START E3: 191 (13.5) |
2 (NS) | 1199 (85) |
STOPP Number of drugs: 5–9 (RR = 2.29; CI: 1.23–2.75); p < 0.01 ≥10 (RR = 4.27; CI: 3.60–5.11); p < 0.01 Comorbidities START Age: >85 (RR = 1.21; CI: 1.02–1.44); p = 0.029 Comorbidity: CIRS g ≥ 17 (RR = 1.81; CI: 1.58–2.06); p < 0.01 Dependence: Katz Index ≥ 20 (RR = 1.34; CI: 1.16–1.54); p < 0.01 |
Liew et al. (2019)/ Malaysia [62] |
NS | NS | NS Most prevalent criteria: STOPP D: 8 (40) STOPP J: 4 (20) STOPP F: 4 (20) |
1.23 (0.44) | 16 (9.7) | NS | NS | NS | NS | Polypharmacy (OR: 4.81; CI 95%: 2.31–10) p < 0.001 |
Gaubert et al. (2019)/ France [59] |
NS | NS | NS | 2 (1.4; 0–6) | 45 (86.5) Most prevalent criteria: STOPP A2: 33 (63) STOPP A1: 26 (50) STOPP A3: 18 (35) |
NS | NS | 0.7 (0.6; 0–2) | 30 (57.7) Most prevalent criteria: START E5: 28 (54) START A4: 3 (6) |
NS |
Díaz et al. (2021)/ Spain [50] |
NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | 18 | 2647 (NS) | NS | 1765 (39.54) Most prevalent criteria: START E2: NS (94.4) START E7: NS (87.5) START H2: NS(88.6) START A5: NS(84.0) START A6: NS(89.6) |
NS |
Nieves-Pérez et al. (2018)/ Puerto Rico [60] |
NS | NS | 417 (NS) | NS | 91 (87.5) Most prevalent criteria: STOPP A1: 82 (NS) STOPP K1: 42 (NS) STOPP D5: 41 (NS) STOPP D9: 27 (NS) STOPP K2: 26 (NS) STOPP A3: 17 (NS) |
NS | 162 (NS) | NS | 89 (85.58) Most prevalent criteria: START A3: 53 (NS) START E5: 49 (NS) START A5: 14 (NS) |
NS |
Monteiro et al. (2020)/ Portugal [55] |
NS | NS | 250 (NS) | NS | 77 (85.5) Most prevalent criteria: STOPP A2: 58 (NS) STOPP D5: 54 (NS) STOPP K1: 54 (NS) STOPP K2: 28 (NS) STOPP A3: 12 (NS) |
NS | 68 (NS) | NS | 52 (57.7) Most prevalent criteria: START I1: 36 (NS) START E4 and A3: 8 (NS) |
NS |
Gutiérrez-Valencia et al. (2018)/ Spain [51] |
NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS |
Frail participants: 1.9 (NS) Non-frail participants: 1 (NS) |
Frail participants: NS (87.5) Non-frail participants: NS (50) OR: 7.00 (CI 95%: 1.3–36.6) Most prevalent criteria: START E4: 26 (23.6) START E3: 21 (19.1) START A6: 10 (9.1) START A8: 10 (9.1) |
NS |
García-Caballero et al. (2018)/ Spain [52] |
NS | NS | 1155 (NS) | 10 (NS) | NS (67.83) | NS | NS | NS | NS |
Drugs associated with a greater number of PIP: Neuroleptics: 41.48% Benzodiazepines: 16.48% diuretics: 10.80% anticholinergics: 7.95% antihistamines: 5.68 |
Perulero et al. (2016)/ Spain [53] |
233 (70.18) | NS | NS | NS | NS Most prevalent criteria: STOPP A1: 111 (29.2) STOPP D5: 110 (28.9) STOPP A2: 46 (21.1) STOPP C1: 35 (9.2) |
NS | 10 (NS) | NS | NS | NS |
Strauven et al. (2019)/ Belgium [57] |
NS | NS | NS | NS | NS Most prevalent criteria in intervention group: STOPP K1: NS (54.3) STOPP D5: NS (53.9) STOPP K2: NS (37.2) STOPP I1: NS (14.5) STOPP D9: NS (12.9) Most prevalent criteria in control group: STOPP K1: NS (55.9) STOPP D5: NS (53.6) STOPP K2: NS (33.5) STOPP I1: NS (12.9) STOPP D9: NS (16.6) |
NS | NS |
Intervention group: 2 (1–3) Control group: 2 (1–3) |
NS Most prevalent criteria in intervention group: START E5: NS (48.9) START A3: NS (14.1) START G3: NS (20.7) START E4: NS (27.2) START E3: NS (18.5) Most prevalent criteria in control group: START E5: NS (52.9) START A3: NS (21.9) START G3: NS (20.9) START E4: NS (19.8) START E3: NS (12.8) |
NS |
Eshetie et al. (2020)/ Australia [61] |
NS | 62 | NS |
Dementia: 2 (1–4) Non-dementia: 2 (1–4) |
Dementia: 71 (78) Most prevalent criteria in dementia group: Use of drugs with anticholinergic properties: 32 (35.2) STOPP F2: 29 (31.9) STOPP K1: 16 (17.6) STOPP A3: 14 (15.4) STOPP B7: 13 (14.3) STOPP K2: 13 (14.3) Non-dementia 79 (87.8) Most prevalent criteria in non-dementia group: Use of drugs with anticholinergic properties: 22 (24.4) STOPP F2: 43 (47.8) STOPP B7: 23 (25.6) STOPP D5: 22 (24.4) STOPP L3: 16 (17.8) |
NS | NS | NS | NS | NS |
Abbreviations: CCI: Charlson Comorbidity Index; CI: Confidence Intervals; CIRS-G: Cumulative Illness Rating Scale for Geriatrics; MCI: Medicine comorbidity index; NS: not specified; OR: odds ratio; p: p-value; PIPs: potentially inappropriate prescriptions; RR: relative risk; ρ: Spearman ρ correlation coefficient; SD: standard deviation.