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. 2023 Jan 31;20(3):2606. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20032606

Table A1.

Summary of study characteristics.

Country Study
Participant Type of Project (Name) Type of Music Activity Facilitator Delivery
N Age Characteristics Community
Chor GrS Ensb Rcrd Prfm CrM Lrn MnD
Ascenso et al., 2021 [44] UK Qual 12 22–49 Parents; recently migrated mothers and fathers from prison Socially vulnerable people who endured adversity Planned
(Lullaby Project UK)
o o o Musician 3 sessions
Bailey & Davidson, 2002 [62] Canada Qual 7 45–62
(M = 52.14)
Homeless males with mental health experience People in unfortunate life circumstances Ongoing
(The Homeless Choir)
o o Volunteer; non-musician NS
Bailey & Davidson, 2003 [61] Canada Qual 7 45–62
(M = 52.14)
Homeless males with experience of poverty, abuse, limited education, chronic unemployment, and psychological disorders Societal outcasts Ongoing
(The Homeless Choir)
o o Volunteer; non-musician NS
Bailey & Davidson, 2005 [63] Canada Qual 8 43–64
(M = 51.5)
Street people in impoverished environments with mental disorder or previous abuse or violent experience People living in destitute circumstances Ongoing
(Nova Scotia choir)
o o Volunteer with similar problems; non-musician NS
Cain et al., 2019 [46] Australia Qual 23 Over 50 Immigrants and political or economic refugees People with shared cultural background Ongoing o o o o NS NS
Calò et al., 2019 [58] UK Mixed Quant: 41
Qual: 37
12–17 Disadvantaged young people, community music program workers, and educators Young people from different deprived communities and with adverse life experiences Planned (COOL Music) o o o Musicians specialized in specific musical styles and instruments 16 weekly sessions
Camic et al., 2013 [51] UK Mixed 20
(10 dyads)
PwD (10): 66–88 (M = 75) PwD and FCG dyads PwD and FCG dyads from community mental health service Planned
(Sing Together)
o Musician; professional choir leader 10 weekly sessions (1.5 h)
Clark et al., 2018 [52] Australia Qual 24
PwD: 57–89 (M = 79.1)
FCG: 61–90
(M = 75.7)
PwD and FCG dyads living together PwD and FCG dyads living together from local community Planned o NS 20 sessions
over 12 m
Clift & Morrison, 2011 [31] UK Mixed 42 27–81
(M = 59.6)
Mental health service users and supporters Mental health service users and supporters from local community Planned
(East Kent Singing for Health network project)
o o Trained supporter Weekly sessions over 8 m in 3 terms
Clift et al., 2017 [32] UK Mixed 26 30–85
(Median = 55)
People with mental health needs and their family and supporters Mental health service users and supporters from local community Planned
(The West Kent and Medway Singing Project)
o o Experienced singing group leaders Weekly sessions over 16 m
Corvo et al., 2020 [69] Italy Quant 41 Over 60 Older people Older people from local community Planned
(Replication of Silver Song Club Project)
o Experienced singing group leaders across different ages 12 weekly sessions (2 h)
Damsgaard & Brinkmann, 2022 [56] Denmark Qual 8 NS People with mental health conditions, their relatives, and professional facilitators People with mental health challenges during post treatment and their family Ongoing
(A Song for the Mind)
o Musician (professional) NS
Davidson & Fedele, 2011 [55] Australia Mixed 48 PwD: M = 82.33
Carer: M = 67.29
PWD and caregiver either from family or support worker PwD living in site-based facility and family or facility caregiver Planned o Qualified teacher and singer 6 weekly sessions (2 h)
Davidson et al., 2014 [59] Australia Mixed 29 Over 70 PwD Independently living home care clients with PwD from local community with risks of social isolation, low social support, depression, and chronic health problems Planned o Experienced community musician 8 weekly sessions (1.5 h)
Dingle et al., 2013 [60] Australia Qual 37 31–74
(M = 47)
Adults with chronic mental illness or disability Disadvantaged adults Planned
(Transformers choir)
o o o o Experienced choir director Weekly sessions (3.5 h)
Fancourt et al., 2019a [41] UK Quant IG: 33
CG: 29
IG: M = 58
CG: M = 51
FCG of patients with cancer FCG of patients with cancer Planned o Professional choir leader 12 weekly sessions (1.5 h)
Fancourt et al., 2019b [42] UK Quant IG: 29
CG: 29
IG: M = 62
CG: M = 52
Bereaved partner or close relative who lost family member to cancer in last 5 years Bereaved family member Planned o o Professional choir leader 12 weekly
Sessions (1.5 h)
Forbes, 2021 [43] Australia Qual 5 69–71
(M = 72.5)
Spouse of a person with Parkinson’s Local community-based Parkinson’s singing group Ongoing
(Park’n Songs)
o Community musicians and piano accompanist Weekly sessions (1.5–2 h)
Galinha et al., 2021 [26]; Galinha et al., 2022 [27] Portugal Mixed & Quant IG: 89
CG: 60
IG: M = 76.66
CG: M = 76.51
Older adults Socially disadvantaged older adults Planned
o o o Team of choir directors 34 sessions over 4 m (2 h)
Gudmundsdottir &
Gudmundsdottir, 2010 [45]
Iceland Mixed 12 Grp1 (6): 19–23 (M = 21)
Grp2 (6): 35–41 (M = 37.67)
Mothers of infants aged under one year from two age groups Mothers of infants in community Planned o Early childhood music specialist Weekly sessions
Hallam & Creech, 2016 [72] UK Mixed IG: 280
CG: 62
Age group 50–75 (209): over75 (64)
Older people Older people from three different community music groups Ongoing
(The Music for Life Project)
o o o o NS NS
Hampshire & Matthijsse, 2010 [34] UK Mixed 41 9–11
Grp1 (22): M = 9.7
Grp2 (13): M = 10.5
Grp3 (6): M = 9.5
School children School children from three districts, including two low and one middle socio-economic area Ongoing (Sing Up) o o o Music leader from performing group Weekly sessions
Harkins et al., 2016 [35] UK Mixed 223–285 3–15 Preschool and school-age children and adolescents Disadvantaged children and adolescents from two deprived areas Ongoing (Sistema Scotland’s “Big Noise”) o NS In-school or after school format
Hinshaw et al., 2015 [36] UK Mixed IG: 50
CG: 10
(M = 9.4)
School children Children from two schools in high and low socio-economic areas Ongoing
(Young voice)
o Music teachers NS
Johnson et al., 2020 [64] USA Quant IG: 208
CG: 182
M = 71.3
IG: M = 71.8
CG: M = 70.5
Older adults Older adults from senior centers of racial/ethnically diverse communities Ongoing
(Community of Voice)
o o Professional choir
directors; accompanist
44 sessions over 1 year (1.5 h)
Kwan & Clift, 2018 [65] Hong Kong Qual 47 18–50
(M = 23)
People with mental health problems Mental health service users of social service center Ongoing
(Transforming HeArts through Music)
o o o o o Music therapist; social workers; experienced music teachers Over 6 months
Lee et al., 2022 [33] Ireland Qual 7 30–89 Early stage PwD-FCG dyads and one caregiver PwD-FCG dyads Planned o o o Music therapist 6 weekly sessions (1 h)
Lenette et al., 2016 [47] Australia Qual 11 NS Asylum seekers Asylum seekers in detention centers Planned
o o Two music facilitators Weekly
Macglone et al., 2020 [29] UK Mixed 45 Grp1 (17):
Grp2 (16):
Grp3 (12):
Young adults with mild to profound and complex learning disabilities Young adults with learning disabilities in rural and urban location Planned o o o Experienced musician; trainee; and experienced musician with disability 12–28 weekly sessions (2 h)
McFerran et al., 2022 [37] Australia Qual 20+ NS Grp1 (11)—singing group:
people of all age
Grp2 (3)—relaxation group: adult musicians
Grp3 (6 families)—family group: mother, children, siblings
People at different ages and stages in life who had interest in participating in online music gathering during lockdown Planned o o o Music therapist; creative arts therapist; musician; musicologist 10 weekly sessions;
Nyashanu et al., 2021 [38] UK Qual 15 Over 18 Participants of inclusive community singing group for more than one year Diverse community members from local community Ongoing
(The Heron Music Café for Well-being)
o Specially trained
community musicians
Osman et al., 2016 [67] UK Mixed 20
NS PwD and FCG dyads PwD and FCG from local community Ongoing
(Singing for brain)
o Musician Over 2 months
Paolantonio et al., 2020 [70] Switzerland Qual 41 72–95
M = 83.6
Older adults Nursing home residents Ongoing
(Art for ages)
o Professional singing
tutors (using Natural Voice Network style approach)
7 weekly
Pearce et al., 2016 [30] UK Mixed IG: 84
CG: 51
IG: 18–83 (M = 60)
CG: 24–81 (M = 52)
Adults Adults from community-based adult education classes Planned o Professional singing
7 weekly
Shakespeare & Whieldon, 2018 [57] UK Mixed 20 NS Current or former members and carers of community singing group for people with mental health condition experience People who have experienced mental health condition and general public from community Ongoing
(Sing Your Heart Out)
o Professional musicians NS
Skingley & Bungay, 2010 [66] Australia Qual 17 M = 77 Older people Older people from community-based singing groups Ongoing
(Silver Song Club Project)
o Experienced musicians and volunteers NS
Skingley et al., 2016 [71] UK Mixed IG: 19
CG: 11
(M = 67.3)
Older people Older people from local community Planned
(Sing for your life)
o Trained and experienced facilitators Weekly sessions over 13–14 weeks (1.5 h)
Skingley et al., 2018 [48] UK Qual 31 50–89
(M = 37)
People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) from local community Planned o Experienced singing faciltator; musical director; two additional facilitators Weekly sessions over 6–10 m (1.5 h)
Smith et al., 2022 [53] UK Mixed 18 50–87 PwD and care-partners PwD and care-partners Planned (The music-making café) o o Musician and staff members in community Weekly
Southcott & Li, 2018 [68] China Qual 13 54–78 Older adults; retirees Members of government-based education organization for older citizens Ongoing
(TOPU singing classes)
o o Music teacher Weekly sessions (2 h)
Sun & Buys, 2013 [49] Australia Quant IG: 45
CG: 27
IG: M = 51.60
CG: M = 51.48
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander; Australian with chronic diseases People with chronic disease from distinct cultural background Planned o Experienced singing group leader Weekly sessions over 12 m (2 h)
Tamplin et al., 2018 [54] Australia Mixed 18
(9 dyads)
PwD(9): 57–89 (M = 77.9)
PwD and FCG dyads PwD and FCG living in the community Planned
o o Music therapist 20 weekly
(2 h)
Tapson et al., 2018 [39] UK Qual 5 Community
orchestra: over 18
Big band: over 11
Adult and children from diverse cultural backgrounds, including migrant and refugees from two community music groups People living in disadvantaged areas including migrant and refugee communities Ongoing
Orchestra and Big band)
o o Musician (paid) NS
Warran et al., 2019 [50] UK Qual 5 M = 64 Male members of cancer choir group diagnosed with prostate cancer People affected by cancer from local choir group for cancer patients Ongoing
(London Tenovus
Cancer Choir)
o NS Weekly
(1.5 h)
Yang et al., 2021 [40] UK Qual 47 13–19 Adults and adolescents People from local area with poorer average health compared to other areas Ongoing (GLUE sing program; Sing to live live to sing) o o o Experienced instructor 8 weekly sessions (1.5 h)

Abbreviations. IG: intervention group; CG: control group; Grp: group; PwD: people with dementia; FCG: family care giver; Chor: choir; GrS: group singing; Ensb: ensemble, band, or orchestra; Rcrd: recording; Prfm: performance; CrM: creative music making; Lrn: learning; MnD: music and dance; NS: not specified; m: month; h: hour.