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. 2023 Jan 31;20(3):2547. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20032547

Table 1.

Participant sociodemographic characteristics (n = 231).

Variable Total (n = 231) Male (n = 102) Female (n = 129) p-Value
n % n % n %
Age (Mean ± SD) 55.75 ± 14.02 57.60 ± 14.09 53.29 ± 13.62 0.024
20–30 10 4.3 6 5.9 4 3.1
31–40 26 11.3 10 9.8 16 12.4
41–50 42 18.2 23 22.5 19 14.7
51–60 51 22.0 24 23.5 27 20.9
61–70 54 23.4 23 22.5 31 24.0
>71 48 20.8 16 15.7 32 24.8
Education 0.451
Sixth grade or below 119 51.5 46 45.1 73 56.6
Junior high school 35 15.2 14 13.7 21 16.3
Senior high school 53 22.9 26 25.5 27 20.9
College and above 24 10.4 16 15.7 8 6.2
Marital status 0.134
Unmarried 26 11.3 20 19.6 6 4.7
Married 160 69.3 69 67.6 91 70.5
Divorced 33 14.3 5 4.9 28 21.7
Widowed 12 5.2 8 7.8 4 3.1
Aboriginal group 0.613
Taroko 52 22.5 28 27.5 24 18.6
Bunun 102 44.2 44 43.1 58 45.0
Ami 77 33.3 30 29.4 47 36.4
Employment status 0.136
Employed 129 55.8 68 66.7 61 47.3
Unemployed 60 26.0 16 15.7 44 34.1
Retired 42 18.2 18 17.6 24 18.6
Health insurance
Yes 11 4.8 8 7.8 3 2.3
No 220 95.2 94 92.2 126 97.7
Hypertension 0.157
Yes 88 38.3 32 31.4 56 43.4
No 143 61.7 70 68.6 73 56.6
Diabetes 0.632
Yes 46 19.9 18 17.6 28 21.7
No 185 80.1 84 82.4 101 78.3
Gout 0.001
Yes 23 10 17 16.7 6 4.7
No 208 90 85 83.3 123 95.3
Heart disease 0.006
Yes 40 17.32 10 9.8 30 23.3
No 191 82.68 92 90.2 99 76.7
Kidney disease 0.394
Yes 3 1.3 2 2.0 1 0.8
No 228 98.7 100 98.0 128 99.2
Drinking alcohol 0.813
Yes 112 48.5 60 58.8 52 40.3
No 119 51.5 42 41.2 77 59.7
Betel nut 0.651
Yes 88 38.1 46 45.1 42 32.6
No 143 61.9 56 54.9 87 67.4
Smoking 0.565
Yes 87 37.7 40 39.2 47 36.4
No 144 62.3 62 60.8 82 63.6
Perception of physical condition 0.771
Very bad 12 5.5 6 5.9 6 4.7
Bad 28 12.7 9 8.8 19 14.7
Average 148 62.3 65 63.7 83 64.3
Good 26 11.8 14 13.7 12 9.3
Very good 17 7.7 8 7.8 9 7.0
Number of chronic diseases 0.365
None 84 36.4 30 29.4 54 41.9
1 75 32.5 34 33.3 41 31.8
2 44 19.0 23 22.5 21 16.3
3 17 7.4 9 8.8 8 6.2
4 or more 11 4.8 6 5.9 5 3.9
Number of MetS indicators 0.628
0 3 1.3 1 1.0 2 1.6
1 25 10.8 15 14.7 10 7.8
2 39 16.9 14 13.7 25 19.4
3 60 26 26 25.5 34 26.4
4 57 24.7 25 24.5 32 24.8
5 47 20.3 21 20.6 26 20.2
BMI (kg/m2) 0.049
Underweight (<18.5) 2 0.9 1 1.0 1 0.8
Normal (18.5~24.9) 45 19.5 22 21.6 23 17.8
Overweight (25~29.9) 52 22.5 22 21.6 30 23.3
Obesity (≥30.0) 132 57.1 57 55.9 75 58.1

Note. BMI: Body Mass Index.