Table 1.
Study | Country | Sample Size | Sample Characteristics (SD in Parentheses) |
Population Type | Design and Date of Data Collection (dd/mm/yyyy) | Relevant Measures | Qualsyst Score |
Arad et al. [44] | Israel | n = 99 | Mean age (treatment): 22.62 (2.36) Mean age (control): 21.57 (1.90) Gender: 85% female |
University students (>50 LSAS) | Natural experiment T1: September 2019 to December 2019 T2: January 2020 to April 2020 |
LSAS-SR, PHQ-9 | 0.95 (strong) |
Bendau et al. [45] | Germany | n = 307 | Mean age: 39.64 (11.7) Gender: 71.2% female |
Clinical (self-diagnosed) | Longitudinal T1: 27 March 2020 to 6 April 2020 T2: 24 April 2020 to 4 May 2020 T3: 15 May 2020 to 25 May 2020 T4: 5 June 2020 to 15 June 2020 |
C-19-A, PHQ-4 | 0.95 (strong) |
Blasco-Belled et al. [46] | Spain | n = 541 | Mean age: 38.82 (15.97) Gender: 65.8% female |
Community | Cross-sectional Data collected from 12 March 2020 to 15 March 2020 |
0.91 (strong) |
Buckner et al. [47] | USA | n = 120 | Mean age: 19.8 (1.6) Gender: unspecified |
Community | Longitudinal T1: 16 February 2020 to 13 March 2020 T2: 13 April 2020 to 15 May 2020 |
DASS-21, SIAS, Worry Index |
0.91 (strong) |
Carlton et al. [48] | USA | n = 84 | Mean age: 19.5 (1.47) Gender: 73.8% female |
Clinical | Repeated cross-sectional T1: January 2021 to March 2021 T2: 1 month after T1 |
ADIS-5, DASS-21, FIVE, RSQ, SAFE | 0.82 (strong) |
Charmaraman et al. [49] | USA | n = 586 | Mean age: 12.53 (1.18) Gender: 53% female | Community | Longitudinal T1: September 2019 to November 2019 T2: October 2020 to December 2020 |
CESDR-10, COVID-19-Related Grief Scale, PRIUSS, SAS-A | 0.95 (strong) |
Czorniej et al. [50] | Poland | n = 255 | Mean age: 24.30 (1.69) Gender: 53.7% female | Healthcare Students | Cross-sectional Data collected from May 2021 to May 2022 |
LSAS, STAI | 0.85 (strong) |
Eskiyurt & Akaca [51] | Turkey | n = 670 | Mean age: 20.77 (2.77) Gender: 82% female | Community | Cross-sectional Data collected from February 2020 to February 2021 |
B-FNE, LSAS | 0.91 (strong) |
Falco et al. [52] | Spain | n = 439 | Mean age: 36.64 (13.37) Gender: 73.1% female | University Community | Cross-sectional Data collected from March 2020 to May 2020 |
ESTAD Anxiety and depression disorders symptoms scale, F-COVID-19, Impact of event scale-revised | 0.86 (strong) |
Fawwaz et al. [53] | Malaysia | n = 158 | Mean age: 21.77 (1.54) Gender: 56.3% female |
Community | Cross-sectional Data collected from January 2021 to February 2021 |
MTOQ, UMS, SPIN | 0.73 (good) |
Hawes et al. [54] | USA | n = 451 | Mean age: 17.49 (1.42) Gender: 65.4% female |
Community | Longitudinal T1: Pre-pandemic (unspecified) T2: 27 March 2020 to 15 May 2020 |
CDI, SCARED | 0.91 (strong) |
Ho & Moscovitch [55] | USA | n = 488 | Median age: 25–39 (N/A) Gender: 48% female |
Community | Cross-sectional Data collected from May 2020 |
BFNE, CAS, CSS, SDSa, SIAS, TILS | 0.86 (strong) |
Huang et al. [56] | China | n = 501 | Mean age: 24.31 (7.83) Gender: 63.9% female |
Community | Cross-sectional Data collected from March 2020 |
IPCS, LSAS-SR | 0.91 (strong) |
Itani et al. [57] | Lebanon | n = 178 | Median age: 16 years old Gender: 59.0% female |
Community | Cross-sectional Data collected from August 2020 to September 2020 |
LSAS-CA | 0.73 (good) |
Ju et al. [58] | China | n = 199 | Mean age: 42.72 (17.53) Gender: 53.3% female |
Discharged COVID-19 patients | Cross-sectional Data collected from July 2020 to September 2020 |
Self-Stigma Scale, Self- consciousness Scale | 0.77 (good) |
Juvonen et al. [59] | USA | n = 1557 | Mean age: 22.5 (0.75) Gender: 62% female |
Community | Longitudinal T1: Pre-pandemic (2017–2019) T2: March 2021 to June 2021 |
CES-D, GAD-7, SAS-A | 0.95 (strong) |
Krämer et al. [60] | Germany | n = 190 | Mean age: 44.2 (14.18) Gender: 47% female |
Community | Longitudinal T1: 6 April 2020 T2: 29 April 2020 T3: 20 May 2020 T4: 10 June 2020 |
BFI-2, PHQ-4, SIAS-6, SOEP, Unified Motive Scale | 0.91 (strong) |
Langhammer et al. [61] | Germany | n = 47 | Mean age: 37.3 (10.78) Gender: 60% female |
Clinical outpatient | Cross-sectional Data collected from July 2020 |
BDI-II, HAMA-A, PAS, PHQ-9, SMSP | 0.82 (strong) |
Li [62] | China | n = 600 | Median age: 20 (N/A) Gender: 46% female |
Community | Cross-sectional Data collected from March 2020 |
SIAS | 0.68 (adequate) |
Liang et al. [63] | China | n = 3137 | Mean age: N/A Gender: 78.58% female |
University students | Cross-sectional Data collected from February 2020 |
SAD, SAS, SDSb | 0.82 (strong) |
Lim et al. [64] | Australia | n = 1562 | Mean age = 48.8 Gender: 84.2% female |
Community | Longitudinal T1: March 2020 T2: 6–8 weeks after T1 T3: 6–8 weeks after T2 |
Mini-SPIN, PHQ-8, UCLA Loneliness Scale | 1.0 (strong) |
Ma [65] | USA | n = 23 | Mean age: 21.3 (N/A) Gender: 78.3% female |
Community | Cross-sectional Data collected from September 2020 to December 2020 |
0.41 (limited) |
McLeish et al. [66] | USA | n = 934 | Mean age: 20.4 (3.59) Gender: 72.4% female |
University students | Repeated cross-sectional T1: March 2020 to May 2020 T2: September 2020 to December 2020 T3: January 2021 to April 20201 |
OASIS, ODSIS, PSWQ-3, SIAS-6, SPS-6, SSASI | 0.73 (good) |
Morales et al. [67] | USA | n = 164 | Mean age: 16.16 (0.61) Gender: N/A |
Community | Longitudinal T1: March 2017 to August 2019 T2: April 2020 to May 2020 T3: June 2020 to July 2020 T4: August 2020 to September 2020 |
SCARED, CASPE, GAD-7, K-SADS, PSS-10 | 0.95 (strong) |
Moran et al. [68] | USA | n = 32 | Mean age: 27.9 (4.52) Gender: 90.6% female |
Domestic Violence Survivors | Cross-sectional Data collected from January 2021 to March 2021 |
ABI, IDAS, MAC-RF, MSPSS | 0.65 (adequate) |
Pang [69] | China | n = 566 | Median age: 21–23 (N/A) Gender: 58.8% female |
Community | Cross-sectional Data collected from April 2020 |
0.82 (strong) | |
Quittkat et al. [70] | Germany | n = 86 | Mean age: 33.41 (11.45) Gender: 73% female |
Clinical (self-diagnosed) | Cross-sectional Data collected from 2 April 2020 to 6 May 2020 |
PHQ-9, SIAS, SPS | 0.95 (strong) |
Samantaray et al. [71] | India | n = 65 | Mean age: 21.77 (2.67) Gender 53.8% female | Clinical | Cross-sectional Data collection unspecified. |
F-COVID-19, SPIN | 0.83 (strong) |
Tekin [72] | Turkey | n = 118 | Mean age: 13.2 (2.1) Gender 65% female | Community | Cross-sectional Data collected from March 2021 to April 2021 |
ARI-P, RCADS-P, PedsQL, Turgay-DSM-IV-S | 0.77 (good) |
Terin et al. [73] | Turkey | n = 199 | Mean age: 14.48 (2.15) Gender: 74.6% female |
Hospital patients | Cross-sectional Data collected from October 2021 to January 2022 |
CAS, CASI, RCADS-CV | 0.91 (strong) |
Thompson et al. [42] | USA | n = 204 | Mean age: 30.4 (11.2) Gender: 83.2% female |
Community | Cross-sectional Data collected from September 2020 |
LSNS-6, SPS, UCLA Loneliness scale | 0.55 (adequate) |
Yurteri & Sarigedik [74] | Turkey | n = 60 | Mean age: 10.22 (N/A) Gender: 46.7% female |
Community | Longitudinal T1: Pre-pandemic (unspecified) T2: Post-Pandemic (unspecified) |
CDI, SCARED | 0.86 (strong) |
Zhu et al. [43] | China | n = 1393 | Mean age: 13.04 (0.86) Gender 53.1% female | Community | Longitudinal T1: September 2019 T2: June 2020 |
GAD-7, PHQ-9, MSPSS, MDASS, SAS, SCS, STAI, SWLS | 0.95 (strong) |
Notes: When mean age was not available, median age was included. ABI, Abusive Behavior Inventory; ARI-P, Affective Reactivity Index—Parent-Report; BDI-II, Beck Depressive Inventory; BFI-2, Big Five Inventory-2; BFNE, Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation; C-19-A, COVID-19-Anxiety Questionnaire; CAS, Coronavirus Anxiety Scale; CASI, Anxiety Sensitivity Index for Children; CASPE, COVID-19 Adolescent Symptom & Psychological Experience Questionnaire; CDI, Child Depression Inventory; CES-D, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; CESDR-10, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale Revised; CD-RISC-10, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 10-item; CSS, Coronavirus Stressor Survey; DASS-21, Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale—21 Items; F-COVID-19, Fear of COVID-19 scale; FIVE, Fear of Illness and Virus Evaluation; GAD-7, General Anxiety Disorder-7, HAM-A, Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale; IDAS, Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms; K-SADS, Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia; IPCS, Interpersonal Curiosity Scale; LSAS-CA, Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale for Children and Adolescents; LSAS-SR, Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale—Self Report; LSNS-6, Lubben Social Network Scale-6; MAC-RF, Multidimensional Assessment of COVID-19-Related Fears; MDASS, Mind-sets of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress; MSPSS, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support; MTOQ, Mattering to Others Questionnaire; N/A, Not Available; OASIS, Overall Anxiety Severity and Impairment Scale; ODSIS, Overall Depression Severity and Impairment Scale; PAS, Panic and Agoraphobia Scale; PedsQL, Pediatric Quality Of Life Inventory; PHQ-4, Patient Health Questionnaire for Depression and Anxiety; PHQ-9, Patient Health Questionnaire-9; PRIUSS, Problematic Internet Use Scale; PSS-10; Perceived Stress Scale; PSWQ-3, Ultra-Brief Penn State Worry Questionnaire; PWI, Personal Wellbeing Index; RCADS-CV, Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale—Child Version; RCADS-P, Revised Children Anxiety And Depression Scales—Parent Form; RSQ, Response to Stress Questionnaire for COVID-19; SAD, Social Avoidance and Distress Scale; SAFE, Subtle Avoidance and Frequency Examination; SAS, Self-Rating Anxiety Scale; SAS, Social Anxiety Scale; SAS-A, Social Anxiety Scales for Adolescents; SCS, Self-Control Scale; SCARED, Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders; SD, Standard Devation; SDSa, Sheehan Disability Scale; SDSb, Self-Rating Depression Scale; SDSc, Bogardus Social Distance Scale; SIAS, Social Interaction Anxiety Scale; SIAS-6, Short Form Social Interaction Anxiety Scale; SM-SAD, Severity Measure for Social Anxiety Disorder; SOEP, Socio-Economic Panel; SMSP, Severity Measure for Specific Phobia; SPANE, Scale of Positive and Negative Experience; SPIN, Social Phobia Inventory; SPS, Social Phobia Scale; SPS-6, Social Phobia Scale; SSASI, Short Scale Anxiety Sensitivity Index; STAI, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory; SWLS, Satisfaction With Life Scale; T, Timepoint; TDDS, Three-Domain Disgust Scale; TILS, Three Item Loneliness Scale; UMS, University Mattering Scale.