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. 2023 Feb 10;49(2):178–190. doi: 10.1007/s00134-022-06944-2

Table 1.

Characteristics of participating ICUs and association with day-28 (D28) patient mortality

Characteristics* All ICUs
(n = 333)*
All patients (n = 2600) Dead on D28 (n = 966) Alive on D28 (n = 1634) OR
[95% CI]
p value
Geographic region 0.824
 Europe and Central Asia 184 (55.3) 1775 (68.3) 689 (71.3) 1086 (66.5) 1
 East Asia and Pacific 69 (20.7) 412 (15.8) 127 (13.1) 285 (17.4) 0.83 [0.54; 1.27]
 Middle East and North Africa 48 (14.4) 268 (10.3) 91 (9.4) 177 (10.8) 0.96 [0.61; 1.54]
 South Asia 14 (4.2) 54 (2.1) 24 (2.5) 30 (1.8) 1.29 [0.52; 3.2]
 Latin America and the Caribbean 11 (3.3) 52 (2) 17 (1.8) 35 (2.1) 0.78 [0.33; 1.85]
 Sub-Saharan Africa 5 (1.5) 20 (0.8) 6 (0.6) 8 (0.5) 1.7 [0.55; 5.21]
 North America 2 (0.6) 19 (0.7) 8 (0.8) 11 (0.7) 1.34 [0.34; 5.31]
National income 0.145
 High-income 202 (60.7) 1479 (56.9) 485 (50.2) 994 (60.8) 1
 Upper-middle-income 80 (24) 870 (33.5) 393 (40.7) 477 (29.2) 1.42 [0.99; 2.04]
 Low and lower-middle-income** 51 (14.1) 251 (9.2) 88 (9.1) 163 (10) 1.11 [0.72; 1.72]
Academic status of the hospital
 Teaching hospital 270 (82.6) 2207 (85.4) 823 (85.4) 1384 (85.4) 1 0.122
 Non-teaching hospital 57 (17.4) 378 (14.6) 141 (14.6) 237 (14.6) 1.28 [0.94; 1.76]
Type of ICU
 Mixed (medical-surgical) 260 (79.5) 2040 (78.9) 732 (75.9) 1308 (80.7) 1 0.048
 Medical 41 (12.5) 383 (14.8) 180 (18.7) 203 (12.5) 1.49 [1.07; 2.09]
 Surgical 26 (8) 162 (6.3) 52 (5.4) 110 (6.8) 0.9 [0.57; 1.43]
Number of ventilator equivalent beds in the ICU ≥ 15 176 (53.82) 1464 (56.63) 499 (51.8) 965 (59.5) 0.81 [0.65; 1.03] 0.081
Nurse to ventilator-bed ratio 2 [1.3; 2.9] 2.2 [1.6; 2.8] 2.2 [1.6; 2.8] 2.2 [1.5; 2.9] 0.99 [0.97; 1] 0.106
Senior doctor to ventilator-bed ratio 6.7 [4.3; 10] 6 [4; 9.5] 6 [4; 9] 6.3 [4.3; 9.5] 0.99 [0.97; 1.01] 0.213
Senior medical cover is available 24/7 304 (93.3) 2355 (91.5) 869 (90.3) 1486 (92.1) 0.81 [0.53; 1.23] 0.319
General surgery is available 24/7 321(98.2) 2556 (98.9) 951 (98.7) 1605 (99) 0.8 [0.31; 2.05] 0.637
Infectious diseases specialist or clinical microbiologist are consulted
 24/7 170 (54.8) 1479 (60) 566 (60.9) 913 (59.4) 1 0.57
 During business hours 114 (36.8) 855 (34.7) 313 (33.7) 542 (35.3) 1.06 [0.82; 1.38]
 Never or sporadically 26 (8.4) 131 (5.3) 50 (5.4) 81 (5.3) 1.29 [0.8; 2.09]
Clinical pharmacists are consulted
 24/7 82 (25.5) 636 (25.1) 188 (19.9) 448 (28.2) 1 0.007
 During business hours 129 (40.1) 811 (32) 284 (30.1) 527 (33.2) 1.32 [0.99; 1.78]
 Never or sporadically 111 (34.5) 1084 (42.8) 471 (49.9) 613 (38.6) 1.64 [1.21; 2.24]
TDM of aminoglycosides is available
 Everyday 171 (52.5) 1249 (48.5) 383 (39.8) 866 (53.7) 1 0.002
 At least once a week 30 (9.2) 213 (8.3) 81 (8.4) 132 (8.2) 1.32 [0.88; 1.98]
 Not available 125 (38.3) 1113 (43.2) 498 (51.8) 615 (38.1) 1.6 [1.23; 2.09]
TDM of vancomycin is available
 Everyday 200 (61.3) 1419 (55.1) 462 (48) 957 (59.3) 1 0.012
 At least once a week 43 (13.2) 319 (12.4) 120 (12.5) 199 (12.3) 1.07 [0.74; 1.53]
 Not available 83 (25.5) 837 (32.5) 380 (39.5) 457 (28.3) 1.55 [1.15; 2.07]
TDM of β-lactams is available
 Everyday 35 (10.7) 256 (9.9) 87 (9) 169 (10.5) 1 0.255
 At least once a week 51 (15.6) 408 (15.8) 117 (12.2) 291 (18) 0.81 [0.52; 1.27]
 Not available 240 (73.6) 1911 (74.2) 758 (78.8) 1153 (71.5) 1.1 [0.75; 1.62]

Full report of center characteristics is available in ESM eTable 3. Results reported as n (%) for categorical variables and median [IQR] for continuous variables

*All center data were missing for 6 ICUs and 7–12 did not provide staffing or stewardship data

**There were 4 ICUs and 11 patients in the low-income category. 24/7: 24 h a day, 7 days a week. ICU: intensive care unit. TDM: therapeutic drug monitoring. Ventilator equivalent beds refers to the maximum number of ventilated patients the ICU can accommodate at one time