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. 2023 Feb 10;49(2):178–190. doi: 10.1007/s00134-022-06944-2

Table 3.

Patient characteristics at diagnosis of hospital-acquired bloodstream infection and day-28 mortality

Characteristics All patients (N = 2600) Dead on D28 (n = 966) Alive on D28 (n = 1634) OR [95% CI] p value
Time from ICU admission to HA-BSI
Acquired prior to ICU admission 558 (21.5) 188 (19.5) 370 (22.6) 1.03 [0.82; 1.29] 0.017
Early ICU-acquired (≤ 7 days) 810 (31.2) 327 (33.9) 483 (29.6) 1.32 [1.08; 1.6]
Late ICU-acquired (> 7 days) 1232 (47.4) 451 (46.7) 781 (47.8) 1
Maximum temperature
< 38.2 °C 1412 (54.5) 588 (61.2) 824 (50.6) 1 < 0.001
≥ 38.2 °C 1179 (45.5) 373 (38.8) 806 (49.4) 0.72 [0.6; 0.86]
Sepsis or septic shock
No sepsis or sepsis without shock 1776 (68.5) 538 (55.9) 1238 (76) 1 < 0.001
Septic shock—no steroids 446 (17.2) 213 (22.1) 233 (14.3) 2.38 [1.89; 2.99]
Septic shock—steroids administered 370 (14.3) 211 (21.9) 159 (9.8) 3.85 [2.98; 4.97]
SOFA score 8 [5; 11] 10 [7; 13] 7 [5; 10] 1.21 [1.19; 1.24] < 0.001
Ventilation status
Low flow oxygen or no oxygen 493 (19) 104 (10.8) 389 (23.8) 1 < 0.001
High flow oxygen nasal canula 163 (6.3) 50 (5.2) 113 (6.9) 1.69 [1.11; 2.57]
Non-invasive mechanical ventilation or CPAP 153 (5.9) 50 (5.2) 103 (6.3) 1.84 [1.2; 2.81]
Invasive Mechanical Ventilation 1791 (68.9) 762 (78.9) 1029 (63) 2.81 [2.18; 3.61]
ECMO (VA or VV) 41 (1.6) 21 (2.2) 20 (1.2) 1.92 [0.99; 3.72] 0.053
Vasopressors (adrenaline or noradrenaline) 1376 (52.9) 614 (63.6) 762 (46.6) 2.44 [2.04; 2.93] < 0.001
Vasopressin 113 (4.3) 61 (6.3) 52 (3.2) 2.89 [1.89; 4.4] < 0.001
Gram-negative bacteriaa 1623 (62.4) 608 (62.9) 1015 (62.1) 0.98 [0.82; 1.17] 0.823
DTR Gram-negative 350 (13.5) 185 (19.2) 165 (10.1) 1.71 [1.33; 2.21] < 0.001
Gram-positive bacteriaa 859 (33) 312 (32.3) 547 (33.5) 0.98 [0.82; 1.17] 0.821
Resistant Gram-positive (MRSA, MRSE or VRE) 323 (12.4) 112 (11.6) 211 (12.9) 0.86 [0.66; 1.11] 0.248
Fungusa 227 (8.7) 102 (10.6) 125 (7.6) 1.39 [1.04; 1.86] 0.026
Strict anaerobe bacteriaa 57 (2.2) 15 (1.6) 42 (2.6) 0.76 [0.41; 1.41] 0.382
Polymicrobial blood culture 290 (11.2) 106 (11) 184 (11.3) 1 [0.77; 1.32] 0.973
Source of HA-BSI
Intravascular catheter 686 (26.4) 239 (24.7) 447 (27.4) 1 0.027
Intra-abdominal 392 (15.1) 145 (15) 247 (15.1) 1.33 [1; 1.76]
Other 217 (8.3) 69 (7.1) 148 (9.1) 1.01 [0.71; 1.44]
Primary 425 (16.3) 169 (17.5) 256 (15.7) 1.26 [0.96; 1.65]
Respiratory 694 (26.7) 288 (29.8) 406 (24.8) 1.39 [1.09; 1.77]
Urinary 186 (7.2) 56 (5.8) 130 (8) 0.9 [0.62; 1.3]
More than 1 possible source of infection 853 (32.8) 322 (33.3) 531 (32.5) 1.14 [0.94; 1.37] 0.191
Time to adequate antimicrobial therapy
≤ 24 h, n (%) 1339 (51.5) 463 (47.9) 876 (53.6) 1 < 0.001
]24;48] hours, n (%) 336 (12.9) 117 (12.1) 219 (13.4) 1.03 [0.79; 1.34]
]48;120] hours, n (%) 396 (15.2) 134 (13.9) 262 (16) 0.96 [0.74; 1.23]
> 120 h, n (%) 125 (4.8) 38 (3.9) 87 (5.3) 0.72 [0.47; 1.09]
Never, n (%) 403 (15.5) 214 (22.2) 189 (11.6) 1.98 [1.55; 2.53]
Source control
Not required 1235 (47.5) 488 (50.5) 747 (45.7) 1 < 0.001
Required, achieved 1117 (43) 321 (33.2) 796 (48.7) 0.63 [0.52; 0.76]
Required, but NOT achieved 248 (9.5) 157 (16.3) 91 (5.6) 2.6 [1.92; 3.51]

Continuous variables are presented as median [IQR] and categorical variables as n (%).Closed brackets [;] denote inclusive of the end of the range and open brackets]; [ denote the exclusion of the end of the range. HA-BSI: hospital-acquired blood stream infection, CPAP: continuous positive airway pressure ECMO: extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation, VA: venoarterial, VV: venovenous. DTR: Difficult to treat resistance MRSA: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, MRSE: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis and includes all coagulase negative staphylococcus reported as non-susceptible to methicillin, VRE: vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus

aSum of percentages exceed 100 because a patient may have had several pathogens in the blood culture, referring to the 11.2% polymicrobial blood cultures