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. 2023 Jan 27;24(3):2476. doi: 10.3390/ijms24032476

Table 1.

Analysis of the mutual correlations between the expression of the tested genes and the expression of the tested genes and parameters such as maternal age, maternal BMI, number of pregnancies and deliveries, gestation week, sampling time, and newborn bodyweight. * p < 0.05.

Parameter logRQ BIRC2 logRQ BIRC3 logRQ BIRC5 logRQ BIRC6 logRQ BIRC7 logRQ BIRC8 logRQ NAIP logRQ XAF1 logRQ XIAP logRQ OCT4 logRQ SOX2
logRQ BIRC2 1.000 0.449 * 0.175 0.819 * 0.338 −0.056 0.650 * −0.087 0.563 * −0.112 −0.222
logRQ BIRC3 0.449 * 1.000 0.120 0.189 0.402 0.362 * 0.426 * 0.488 * 0.308 0.134 0.134
logRQ BIRC5 0.175 0.120 1.000 0.396 * 0.648 * 0.319 0.101 0.034 0.165 0.189 0.193
logRQ BIRC6 0.819 * 0.189 0.396 * 1.000 0.272 −0.228 0.577 * −0.308 0.543 * −0.268 −0.314
logRQ BIRC7 0.338 0.402 0.648 * 0.272 1.000 0.488 0.324 0.479 0.456 0.591 * 0.380
logRQ BIRC8 −0.056 0.362 * 0.319 −0.228 0.488 1.000 −0.108 0.484 * −0.149 0.821 * 0.798 *
logRQ NAIP 0.650 * 0.426 * 0.101 0.577 * 0.324 −0.108 1.000 −0.051 0.314 −0.182 −0.301
logRQ XAF1 −0.087 0.488 * 0.034 −0.308 0.479 0.484 * −0.051 1.000 −0.160 0.568 * 0.492 *
* logRQ XIAP 0.563 * 0.308 0.165 0.543 * 0.456 −0.149 0.314 −0.160 1.000 −0.251 −0.194
logRQ OCT4 −0.112 0.134 0.189 −0.268 0.591 * 0.821 * −0.182 0.568 * −0.251 1.000 0.962 *
logRQ SOX2 −0.222 0.134 0.193 −0.314 0.380 0.798 * −0.301 0.492 * −0.194 0.962 * 1.000
Mother’s age −0.133 0.113 0.093 −0.106 0.442 0.113 −0.121 0.438 * −0.002 0.114 −0.039
BMI −0.265 0.100 −0.202 −0.587 * 0.143 −0.113 −0.122 0.667 −0.323 −0.052 −0.239
The day after the birth 0.306 0.118 −0.159 0.285 −0.332 −0.051 0.306 −0.494 * −0.094 −0.064 −0.088
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