Table A1.
Abbreviations of Measures.
Social Support | |
CPASS | Cancer Perceived Agents of Social Support |
DSSI-Short | Duke Social Support Index (short version) |
DUKE-UNC | Duke-UNK functional social support questionnaire |
ESSS | Satisfaction with Social Support Scale |
ISEL | Interpersonal Support Evaluation List |
MG-SS | Social support subscale of the McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire |
MSPSS | Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support |
MOS-SS | Medical Outcomes Study—Social Support Scale |
OSS-3 | Oslo Social Support Scale |
SSL-12-I | Social Support List—Interaction |
SSSQ | Sarason Social Support Questionnaire |
SSSS | Satisfaction with Social Support Scale |
TBI-CareQOL | Social support factor of the Traumatic Brain Injury Caregiver Quality of Life |
Anxiety | |
BAI | Beck Anxiety Inventory |
BSI | Brief Symptom Inventory |
DASS | Depression Anxiety Stress Scale |
EADS | Anxiety, Depression and Stress Scale |
GAD | Generalized Anxiety Disorder Assessment |
GAS | Goldberg Anxiety Scale |
HADS | Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale |
HARS | Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale |
IDA | Irritability, Depression, and Anxiety Scale |
SCID | Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV |
POMS | Profile of Mood States |
SAS | Self-Rating Anxiety Scale |
STAI | State Trait Anxiety Inventory |
TBI-CareQOL | Anxiety factor of the Traumatic Brain Injury Caregiver Quality of Life |