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. 2023 Jan 31;12(3):1108. doi: 10.3390/jcm12031108

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Diagrammatic representation of the effect of centhaquine treatment after hemorrhagic/hypovolemic shock. Onset of hypovolemia following various conditions such as hemorrhage affects the cardiovascular system, which starts the compensatory mechanism. However, failure of the cardiovascular compensatory mechanism may lead to decreased SV, HR, as well as SVR, which results in decreased blood pressure (hypotension) and induces shock (depicted in the lower panel of the figure). Centhaquine treatment after hypovolemia increases HR and induces α2B-adrenergic receptor-mediated venoconstriction and central α2A-adrenergic receptor-mediated arterial relaxation. The net effect of the simultaneous venoconstriction and arterial relaxation increases venous blood return to the heart, increases preload, and decreases afterload, with a mild decrease in SVR. Overall, the effects of these signals lead to increased CO and blood pressure, which may rescue from shock (depicted in the upper panel of the figure). SV—stroke volume, HR—heart rate, SVR—systemic vascular resistance, ESV—end systolic volume, EDS—end diastolic volume, CO—cardiac output.