Thrombocytopenia refractory to transfusion (need for ≥1 transfusion of platelets per day)—corrected count increment of platelets (CCI) less than 5000–7500/µL one hour after transfusion of fresh platelets (not older than 72 h), of the same type (it is not appropriate to compare aphaeretic preparation with pooled one), compatible in the AB0 system, the examination must be performed repeatedly (at least two or more times).
Otherwise unexplained weight gain for three days following despite diuretic therapy or weight gain of 5% above baseline.
Hepatomegaly—absolute enlargement of the liver by 1 cm in the midclavicular line; if baseline liver size (the size of the liver before HCT) is not available, hepatomegaly will define as the liver enlargement of 2 standard deviations for age (on US, CT or MRI).
Ascites—confirmed in US, CT, and MRI examination.
Increase of serum bilirubin values from baseline for three consecutive days or serum bilirubin concentration ≥2 mg/dL within 72 h. |