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. 2023 Jan 31;12(3):1112. doi: 10.3390/jcm12031112

Table 1.

Characteristics of the participants.

Characteristics Total n = 5942 FOD
n = 547
n = 100
n = 276
n = 2120
Marital status:
Single n (%) 1387 (23.3) 142 (26.0) *** 27 (27.0) * 50 (18.1) 351 (28.8)
Friend with benefits n (%) 492 (8.3) 45 (8.2) *** 6 (6.0) * 26 (9.4) 178 (20.2)
Married/partnership n (%) 4010 (67.6) 356 (65.2) *** 67 (67.0) * 196 (71.0) 1572 (74.2)
In more relationships (polyamory) n (%) 47 (0.8) 3 (0.5) *** 0 (0.0) * 4 (1.4) 17 (0.8)
Place of living:
Village n (%) 1489 (25.1) 147 (26.9) 29 (29.0) 63 (22.8) 533 (21.1)
City/Town n (%) 3895 (65.6) 341 (62.3) 60 (60.0) 181 (65.6) 1404 (66.2)
Capital city n (%) 1557 (9.4) 59 (10.8) 11 (11.0) 32 (11.6) 183 (8.6)
Sexual history:
Sexual education n (%) 4130 (69.5) 350 (64.0) *** 59 (59.0) ** 177 (64.1) *** 1557 (73.4)
STD n (%) 846 (14.2) 103 (18.8) *** 16 (16.0) 51 (18.5) * 269 (12.7)
Sexual abuse n (%) 822 (13.8) 90 (16.5) *** 19 (19.0) * 54 (19.6) *** 229 (10.8)
Sexual orientation
Heterosexual n (%) 5477 (92.2) 499 (91.2) 87 (87.0) * 251 (90.9) * 1977 (93.3)
Homosexual n (%) 68 (1.1) 4 (0.7) 2 (2.0) * 6 (2.2) * 24 (1.1)
Bisexual n (%) 377 (6.3) 44 (8.0) 10 (10.0) * 17 (6.2) * 118 (5.6)
Asexual n (%) 19 (0.3) 0 (0.0) 1 (1.0) * 2 (0.7) * 1 (0.0)

Significance of the difference between the individual sexual disorder groups and the control group. * p < 0.05, ** p <0.01, *** p < 0.001. STD: Sexually transmitted diseases.