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. 2023 Feb 10;2023(2):CD014823. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD014823

PfaeffliDale 2015.

Study characteristics
Country / Income of the Country New Zealand (HIC)
Objective of study Quote: "To conduct a process evaluation of the HEART intervention to determine what worked and what did not, as well as acceptability and usability."
participant´s description One hundred seventy‐one adults
Health condition Ischaemic heart disease
Mode of rehabilitation delivery Telerehabilitation
Type of rehabilitation provided Cardiac
Study design / Data collection approach / Data analysis approach Mixed methods/ Interviews/ Thematic analysis
Funding sources for the study / Conflict of interest   
Notes This study was eligible but not sampled given that the data were not as thick as data from other eligible studies, and the study setting/population/mode of rehabilitation and type of rehabilitation provided is already covered in many of the other sampled studies