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. 2023 Feb 10;2023(2):CD014823. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD014823

Vik 2009.

Study characteristics
Country / Income of the Country Norway (HIC)
Objective of study Quote:"To explore and describe how older adults who received home‐based rehabilitation perceived the staff during a period of six months when they received rehabilitation Specifically, the study focused on how the participants collaborated with and made use of the services from the staff"
participant´s description Three older adults over the age of 65
Health condition Elderly
Mode of rehabilitation delivery In‐person home‐based rehabilitation
Type of rehabilitation provided Nursing in
Study design / Data collection approach / Data analysis approach Case study/ Qualitative interviews/ Grounded theory approach
Funding sources for the study / Conflict of interest  Quote:''The authors would like to thank the participants for so willingly sharing their experiences with us, and Sør‐Trøndelag University College for financial support for this study''
Quote:"No information on conflict provided"
Notes Study purposively sampled