(A) and (B) Representative spike waveform and 10-second sample of spontaneous activity of basolateral amygdala (BLA) neurons. BLA pyramidal neurons were defined by spike duration >2.2ms and mean firing rate <2Hz. (C) PreP-S-induced BLA pyramidal neuron hyperactivity (i.e., increased firing rate), measured 1-2 weeks post-stress, was observed only in males, whereas females showed resilience to these short-term effects. (D) Male-specific, PreP-S-induced BLA hyperactivity persisted into adulthood; no effect was observed in adult females. (E) No effect of sex or PostP-S was found in the 1-2 week responses. (F) No within-sex PostP-S effect was found in the 5-6 week responses, although females showed higher stress activation compared to stressed males. Firing rate data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn’s post hoc multiple comparisons. Data are presented as median (solid red line) and interquartile range (dashed red line). **p<0.01; ****p<0.0001.