Simplicity and cost
Easy and cost-effective, commercial kits available. |
Easy and cost-effective, commercial kits available. |
Microscopic evaluation is time-consuming. Using flow cytometry increases time efficiency. |
Easy and cost-effective, commercial kits available. |
Easy and cost-effective, commercial kits available. |
Predictivity (Sensitivity and Specificity)
Depends on the mechanism of toxicity of the particle, and the cell type used [110]. Macrophages seem more sensitive [114,117]. Assay better equipped to detect cytotoxicity of ion-shedding NMs [100]. Possibly suitable for making accurate rankings in toxicity [114]. |
Depends on the mechanism of toxicity of the particle, and the cell type used. LDH results have been shown to correlate with in vivo results for ion shedding NMs [112] as well as poorly soluble NMs [113]. |
Not assessed for NMs specifically. |
Not assessed for NMs specifically |
Not assessed for NMs specifically. |
For MTS assay, decent robustness but depending on cell type used [107], and only when interferences are correctly avoided [100,108]. More elaborate SOPs and harmonization between labs enhance assay robustness [52,102]. |
Similar robustness as MTS assay [108]. |
Not assessed for NMs specifically. |
Not assessed for NMs specifically. |
One study showed high inter-laboratory variability [100]. |
Many NMs interfere with the substrate, the product, or the optical readout. Can be overcome by washing cells before incubation with reagent, and centrifugation to get rid of NMs [100,108]. |
Many NMs interfere with the enzyme, the reagent, or the optical readout. Can be overcome via centrifugation. Washing not possible as LDH is measured in supernatant. |
NMs may interfere with the dye. |
NMs may interfere with the dye. |
NMs may interfere with the dye or the readout. |
ISO protocol for MTS assay. |
No NM-specific standardized protocol available. |
No NM-specific standardized protocol available. |
No NM-specific standardized protocol available. |
No NM-specific standardized protocol available. |