Fig. 2. CDNP-R848 therapy is an effective monotherapy and decreases Gl261 glioma growth.
a C57Bl/6J mice were treated intravenously with 100 µl CDNP-R848, R848, vehicle control CDNP or PBS on d14, d17 and d20 after intracranial Gl261 tumor injection (d0). Mice were randomized according to tumor volume on d13 (MRI1, week 2). Tumor growth was assessed after the completion of treatment cycle on d20 (MRI2, week 3) and d26 (MRI3, week 4) b Representative T2-w MR images of CDNP-R848, R848 and control CDNP and PBS-treated mice. R, response; NR, non-response; PsPD, pseudoprogression; PD, progressive disease. c Overall response rate in CDNP-R848 treated group vs R848, CDNP vehicle-treated and PBS groups (CDNP-R848: n = 8 mice; R848: n = 9 mice; CDNP: n = 6; PBS: n = 6 mice). Response rates were calculated based on Aslan et al.15. Pseudoprogression was defined as an increase of tumor volume > 40% from MRI 1 to 2 and a subsequent decrease in tumor volume to MRI 3. d Tumor growth curves of head to head comparison of CDNP-R848 (n = 8 mice), R848 (n = 9 mice), CDNP (n = 6 mice) and PBS (n = 6 mice). e, f tumor volumes and waterfall plots for CDNP-R848 (n = 8 mice) vs R848 (n = 9 mice), CDNP and PBS-treated mice (n = 6 mice per group, respectively). Response was assessed by % of tumor growth between from baseline (day 13) to day 26 post tumor inoculation. The data are from one independent experiment and presented as mean ± SEM. Statistical significance was determined by unpaired two-tailed Student’s t tests or by two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s test.