Figure 6.
Effects of light intensity fluctuation on activities of PSII and PSI in maize leaves. (A) The maximum quantum yield of PSII (n = 20); (B) the maximum photooxidation of P700 (n = 6). FL 1/300 min, maize seedlings were exposed alternately to high light (1,600 μmol m−2 s−1) for 300 min and then to weak light (50 μmol m−2 s−1) for 300 min (total 10 h); FL 1/30 min, maize seedlings were exposed alternately to high light and weak light every 30 min (total 10 h); FL 1/3 min, maize seedlings were exposed alternately to high light and weak light every 3 min (total 10 h). Data are means ± standard error. Different lowercase letters indicate statistically significant (1-way ANOVA and LSD test) differences between different treatments at the P < 0.05 level. Fv/Fm, the maximum quantum yield of PSII; Pm, the maximum photooxidation of P700.