Study by |
What findings are described in each study for the above-mentioned factors? |
Physiological Effects of Porn on the Body |
Emotional Effects of Porn |
Porn-induced Drug Abuse Effects |
Social Effects of Porn |
Mark et al. [5] |
Nil |
Participants used pornography as a means of Sexual gratification, Pleasure to relieve boredom. Increasing productivity is also helpful in intellectually processing their sexual desires. |
Nil |
All participants consumed pornography individually, and some participants watched it with others as a bonding activity. |
Razwan et al. [6] |
Nil |
Did not go to bed on time and reported greater consumption of pornography. |
Nil |
Students gather late at night with their friends. They frequently argue/fight with their friends and fool around with them. |
Lopez et al. [7] |
The analysis of cortisol reactivity to porn disclosed no significant differences between the groups. |
Both sighted, and visually impaired participants reported being moderately aroused and immersed or transported by the films, regardless of AV or AD porn exposure. |
Nil |
Nil |
Burtaverde et al. [8] |
Nil |
Dimensions like: Increased sex drive, Enhancing sexual performance, Social and instrumental reasons, and Lack of relational and emotional skills were associated with individual differences in the dark triad traits, socio-sexuality, mate value, and life history strategies. Apart from “enhancing sexual performance”, men endorsed the reasons for pornography consumption more strongly. Finally, psychopathy mediated the relationship between sex and several reasons to consume pornography. |
Nil |
Individuals with high scores on the dimension “social and instrumental reasons” also had high levels of Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and socio-sexuality. Such individuals had acceptance of social groups, such as friends. |
Jacobs et al. [9] |
Nil |
ED seen in our study is situational. In a clinical setting, while questioning a young patient presenting with ED, it can be interesting to question erectile function while masturbating with and without pornography consumption separately. |
Nil |
Nil |
Niki et al. [10] |
This study found a relationship between dyadic viewing of pornography with a partner may be associated with sexual variety and orgasm. |
More involvement in such videos causes higher levels of fantasies which sometimes cause disappointment, as real-life sex is different from what is shown in such videos. |
Nil |
Men usually make such videos for men, thus ignoring the needs of females. Thus more responsibility lies on men. |
Josep et al. [11] |
Pornography could lead to more permissive sexual values and changes in sexual behavior, such as increased risky sexual behaviors. |
The greater tendency of males to rate sexual stimuli as more pleasant and arousing and to show a stronger neural response derived from exposure to these sexual stimuli. |
Substance use can cause individuals to have such sexual behaviors and activities which are out of the norm. |
There is a link between exposure to pornography and risky sexual behaviors such as Multiple sexual partners, History of pregnancies Early sexual initiation. |
Davide et al. [12] |
Higher levels of pornography use are related to the accelerated development of sexual trajectories. |
Adolescents may practice what they have seen and learned, and that pornography use and sexual behaviors may reinforce each other over time. |
Nil |
Pornography is popular among a substantial group of adolescents, particularly boys, and its consumption may affect both boys’ and girls’ sexual behaviors. |
Christina et al. [13] |
Nil |
“Emotional coping” consisted of using pornography when feeling down To escape negative thoughts. |
“Extrinsic” factors appeared to reflect situations that involved external influences, including Being with a sexual partner, being peer pressured, and being drunk or feeling the effects of drugs / illicit substances. |
“Pre-occupation” included preferring to access the websites instead of spending time with others. Being short of sleep due to being up viewing the websites, thinking about the websites even when not online, and looking forward to the next internet session accessing the websites. Rushing work to access the websites. Preferring to access the websites while neglecting daily obligations and feeling restless, frustrated, or irritated when unable to access the websites. “Dependence was described as finding it difficult to stop using pornography websites, continuing to access the websites despite the intention to stop, thinking that less time should be spent on the pornography websites, and unsuccessfully trying to spend less time on the websites. The first factor was identified as “interoceptive,” reflecting items related to circumstances that primarily involve the individuals themselves and stemming from internal feelings. These included being alone, lonely, bored, and aroused. The second factor, identified as “impotent,” reflected the increased likelihood of pornography use associated with the absence of possibilities to engage in sexual intercourse, specifically, not having sex in a while (no sex) and not finding someone to engage in sexual intercourse with (no one to sex). |