A) Mammary tumor cells from a 3642 transplant were isolated and
plated at 5% O2, and the next day untreated (Unt) or made senescent over 7
days by treatment with doxorubicin (Doxo, 0.75µM for 24 hr) as
indicated. These cultures were then exposed to rIFNγ (10ng/ml) for
24h (IFNγ) or not (Control). RNA was extracted and qPCR for indicated
genes was performed. Representative images of the treated, plated cells are
shown before harvest. Shown are individual data points representative of
biologically independent cell harvests (n=3 for each group), with mean and
SEM. B) MCF-7 cells were similarly plated and either untreated or made
senescent by doxorubicin treatment (250nM for 24 hr). These cultures were
then exposed to rIFNγ (10ng/ml) for 24h (IFNγ) or not
(Control). RNA was extracted and qPCR for indicated genes was performed.
Shown are individual data points representative of biologically independent
cell harvests (n=3 for each group), with mean and SEM. Statistical
significance was determined using one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s posttest
for comparisons of three or more groups. qPCR was repeated at least twice
and representative data are shown