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. 2011 Nov;128(5):e1129–e1138. doi: 10.1542/peds.2011-0840


Injury Characteristics From Chart Abstraction

Arm Injury (n = 194)
Mild I (n = 456) Mild II (n = 31) Mild III (n = 106) Mild, All (n = 593) Moderate (n = 96) Severe (n = 17)
Mechanism of injury, %
    Motor vehicle occupant 6.8 16.1 16.4 9.0 35.1 38.4 3.2
    Pedestrian or bicycle 6.2 12.9 11.5 7.4 17.6 7.7 2.7
    Fall 57.4 54.8 53.9 56.6 34.1 23.1 83.1
    Struck by/against 29.6 16.2 17.2 26.8 8.8 15.4 10.5
    Other 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.2 4.4 15.4 0.5
Intent, %
    Intentional 3.5 0.0 7.6 4.1 12.5 23.5 3.6
    Unintentional 96.5 100.0 92.4 95.9 87.5 76.5 96.4
Emergency medical services level, %
    Advanced Life Support 9.8 25.0 35.7 15.0 72.1 75.0 2.6
    Basic Life Support 12.8 25.0 16.3 14.0 8.1 0.0 5.8
    Not transported by emergency medical services 77.4 50.0 48.0 71.0 19.8 25.0 91.6
Isolated TBI, % 62.5 48.4 50.0 59.5 21.9 23.5 0.0
Injury severity score, mean (SD) 2.9 (4.1) 7.3 (2.9) 12.3 (8.0) 4.8 (6.1) 23.8 (11.4) 33.0 (9.1) 4.5 (3.0)
Maximum AIS score, %
    1 71.3 0.0 0.0 54.8 0.0 0.0 3.1
    2 23.7 64.5 37.7 28.3 8.3 0.0 88.7
    3 3.7 35.5 34.9 11.0 24.0 0.0 7.7
    4 1.1 0.0 13.2 3.2 10.4 0.0 0.5
    5 0.2 0.0 14.2 2.7 57.3 100.0 0.0
Head maximum AIS score, %
    0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0
    1 75.0 0.0 0.0 57.7 0.0 0.0 0.0
    2 24.6 67.7 45.3 30.5 15.6 0.0 0.0
    3 0.4 32.3 29.3 7.3 18.8 0.0 0.0
    4 0.0 0.0 11.3 2.0 8.3 0.0 0.0
    5 0.0 0.0 14.1 2.5 57.3 100.0 0.0
Lowest motor GCS score in ED, %
    6 98.9 100.0 74.5 94.6 22.1 6.7 99.5
    4/5 0.4 0.0 16.0 3.2 29.5 0.0 0.0
    2/3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 20.0 0.0
    1, not paralyzed 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17.9 26.7 0.0
    1, paralyzed 0.7 0.0 9.4 2.2 29.4 46.7 0.5
Had CT, % 50.2 100.0 100.0 61.7 100.0 100.0 1.6
Preinjury comorbidities, % a
    None 36.5 38.7 40.6 37.3 45.8 58.8 35.0
    1 24.1 9.7 28.3 24.0 18.7 23.5 31.5
    2 14.8 29.0 10.4 14.8 11.5 0.0 15.7
    ≥3 24.6 22.6 20.7 23.9 24.0 17.7 17.8

Medical records were not available from 26 patients.


Preinjury comorbidities assessed included developmental delay, seizures, previous TBI with loss of consciousness, hemiplegia or paraplegia, lung disease, diabetes, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, depression, other mental health or behavioral problems, learning problems, previous fractures, and previous surgery.