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. 2023 Feb 10;11:e14620. doi: 10.7717/peerj.14620

Table 1. List of species analysed, their out and in degrees, total original range size (in pixels), and proportion of their ranges occupied by their preys and predators (values between 0 and 1).

Species are sorted according to the groups identified by Baskerville et al. (2011). Notice how some species are isolated in the network (Loxodonta africana) and how Canis aureus’s range does not overlap with any of its preys.

Species Number of preys Number of predators Total range size Proportion of range occupied by preys Proportion of range occupied by predators
Large carnivores
Acinonyx jubatus 8 1 9,250 0.437 0.618
Crocuta crocuta 12 1 4,822 0.844 0.253
Lycaon pictus 14 0 427 0.918
Panthera leo 18 0 1,274 0.935
Panthera pardus 22 0 7,563 0.766
Small carnivores
Canis aureus 4 1 816 0.000 0.782
Canis mesomelas 1 1 2,201 0.190 0.994
Caracal caracal 4 0 5,239 0.833
Leptailurus serval 1 1 4,319 0.011 0.978
Small herbivores
Damaliscus lunatus 0 4 626 1
Hippopotamus amphibius 0 0 419
Kobus ellipsiprymnus 0 4 2,961 1
Ourebia ourebi 0 5 2,484 1
Pedetes capensis 0 2 1,318 1
Phacochoerus africanus 0 5 3,331 1
Redunca redunca 0 5 1,935 1
Rhabdomys pumilio 0 5 53 1
Tragelaphus oryx 0 2 2,316 0.990
Tragelaphus scriptus 0 3 3,999 0.985
Large grazers
Aepyceros melampus 0 5 1,167 1
Alcelaphus buselaphus 0 4 2,307 1
Connochaetes taurinus 0 6 1,074 1
Equus quagga 0 5 786 1
Eudorcas thomsonii 0 6 51 1
Nanger granti 0 6 261 1
Heterohyrax brucei 0 1 1,961 0.973
Procavia capensis 0 1 5,312 0.647
Giraffa camelopardalis 0 1 607 0.473
Loxodonta africana 0 0 1,078
Madoqua kirkii 0 7 443 1
Papio anubis 0 1 2,571 0.937
Syncerus caffer 0 1 2,808 0.251