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. 2021 Dec 9;33(1):v33i1a10864. doi: 10.17159/2078-516X/2021/v33i1a10864

Table 4.

Comparison of BAZ, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, executive functions (working memory, inhibition, shifting) by meeting/not meeting individual and integrated movement behaviour guidelines

TPA MVPA SST Sleep duration Restrained sitting All five guidelines

Yes (n=65) No (n=6) Yes (n=62) No (n=9) Yes (n=37) No (n=34) Yes (n=50) No (n=21) Yes (n=61) No (n=10) Yes (n=17) No (n=54)

Median −0.43 0.75 −0.42 0.17 −0.55 −0.13 −0.39 −0.20 −0.43 0.32 −1.25 −0.21
IQR −1.58–0.58 0.35–1.85 −1.31–0.69 −2.21–1.06 −1.61–0.32 −0.74–1.03 −1.53–0.80 −1.22–0.74 −1.60–0.63 −0.55–1.73 −1.84–−0.37 −0.77–1.02
MR 34.37 53.67 35.63 38.56 31.86 40.86 35.24 37.81 34.24 46.75 23.12 40.06

p-value 0.026* 0.691 0.078 0.632 0.076 0.003**

Gross motor skills
Median 60.0 57.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0
IQR 58.5–60.0 54.0–60.0 54.0–60.0 54.0–60.0 60.0–60.0 54.0–60.0 60.0–60.0 54.0–60.0 54.0–60.0 58.5–60.0 60.0–60.0 54.0–60.0
MR 35.03 29.00 34.71 33.11 37.32 31.33 35.30 32.71 34.06 37.05 41.69 32.29

p-value 0.492 0.770 0.108 0.521 0.569 0.032*

Fine motor skills
Median 40.0 42.5 40.0 35.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 45.0 40.0 42.5 37.5 40.0
IQR 30.0–55.0 40.0–56.2 30.0–55.0 30.0–52.5 31.25–50.0 25.0–55.0 30.0–50.0 32.5–55.0 30.0–55.0 35.0–55.0 30.0–45.0 30.0–55.0
MR 33.59 43.92 35.06 30.83 34.35 34.67 32.78 38.36 33.76 38.80 30.53 35.72

p-value 0.228 0.547 0.946 0.279 0.453 0.355

Working memory
Median 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.33 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.67 1.00
IQR 0.00–2.00 0.00–2.00 0.00–1.92 0.33–2.17 0.00–1.92 0.00–2.00 0.00–2.00 0.00–1.33 0.00–1.67 0.75–2.41 0.00–1.67 0.00–2.00
MR 33.15 31.50 32.06 38.83 31.83 34.45 34.24 30.00 30.65 45.95 29.32 34.30

p-value 0.851 0.309 0.572 0.402 0.016* 0.341

Median 0.60 0.46 0.59 0.70 0.57 0.62 0.58 0.62 0.59 0.63 0.51 0.63
IQR 0.47–0.75 0.30––0.77 0.46–0.72 0.31–0.82 0.39–0.71 0.48–0.76 0.46–0.71 0.43–0.81 0.42–0.73 0.48–0.92 0.30–0.64 0.47–0.81
MR 34.66 27.33 33.60 36.94 31.62 36.76 33.01 36.33 32.79 40.90 24.35 37.28

p-value 0.395 0.650 0.282 0.524 0.225 0.018*

Median 7.00 2.00 5.50 4.00 7.00 4.00 5.50 4.00 5.50 4.00 8.00 4.00
IQR 1.00–9.00 0.00–9.00 0.25–9.00 1.00–9.00 1.00–9.00 0.75–9.25 0.75–10.00 1.00–9.00 1.00–9.00 1.00–11.50 0.00–9.00 1.00–9.75
MR 33.69 26.17 33.17 31.94 33.24 32.72 33.82 31.03 32.72 34.72 33.44 32.84

p-value 0.368 0.855 0.910 0.910 0.766 0.910

indicates significance at p<0.05;


indicates significance at p<0.0005.

“Yes” indicates the participants that met the guidelines and “No” indicates the participants that did not meet the guidelines. MR, mean ranks; IQR, interquartile range (presented as 25th – 75th percentile); BAZ, BMI-for-age z score; TPA, total physical activity; MVPA, moderate-vigorous intensity physical activity; SST, sedentary screen time.