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. 2023 Feb 13;19(2):e1010846. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010846

Table 1. Questions included in the survey sent to the Bioinformatics Italian community.

Question Format for the answer
Name of the course Free text
Academic discipline of the teacher Free text (code of the discipline:
Academic discipline in which the course is classified Free text (code of the discipline:
Type of the course 2 options: Mandatory/optional
Degree level of the study path in which the course is delivered 2 options: BSc/MSc
Scientific area of the study path in which the course is delivered Options: biology or biomedicine/computer science or engineering/other (to be specified)
University Free text
ECTS assigned to the course Free text
Total hours for the front lessons/classroom exercises Free text
Topics of the course Select all that apply among:
    • Fundamentals of computer science
• Fundamentals of biology and genomics
    • Biological databases
    • Phylogenetic trees
    • Sequencing, NGS, assembly, reads elaboration
    • Transcriptomics, functional genomics
    • Proteomics and metabolomics
    • Structural bioinformatics
    • Molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics
    • Docking
    • Systems biology, metabolic networks
    • Algorithms for bioinformatics
    • Dynamics programming algorithms
    • Sequence alignments algorithms
    • Graphs
    • Clustering
    • Introduction to Machine Learning
    • Neural networks
    • Hidden Markov Models
    • Support Vector Machines
    • Introduction to Deep Learning
    • Basics of programming
    • Programming in Python/Perl/C or other languages
    • Use of R and specific packages
    • Bioconductor
    • Other (to be specified)
Suggested textbooks Free text
Other comments Free text

The original survey was in Italian.