(A) Representative western blot of cell lysates from NRVMs after 3 days of Sav1 knockdown 199 (representative data from one of the three replicates). (B) Expression of cell cycle genes in Ad-KDM4D and si-Sav1 treated NRVMs. (C) Effects of adding FGF to Ad-KDM4D and si-Sav1 on cell cycle gene expression. (D) EdU+ incorporation in NRVMs treated with Ad-KDM4D and/or si-Sav1, and FGF. (E) phospho-H3+ immunostaining in NRVMs treated with or without Ad-KDM4D, si-Sav1, and FGF. (F) Total NRVM number after indicated treatments. (G) Representative photomicrographs showing EdU/phospho-H3 immunostaing after different treatments. EdU, bar = 100μM; phospho-H3, bar = 200μM. Statistics: * showed statistical significance at p<0.05 vs control (without si-Sav1, Ad-KDM4D, and FGF); # represented statistical significance at p<0.05 vs si-Sav1; $ mean statistical significance at p<0.05 vs Ad-KDM4D; & showed statistical significance at p<0.05 vs si-Sav1+Ad-KDM4D. One-way ANOVA followed by Tukeys’ Test; n = 3 for all the experiments.