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. 2023 Feb 13;13:2506. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-29848-7

Table 3.

Confirmatory factor analysis results for the RI-9.

Item short description Est S.E Est/S.E P value
1 Believing obstacles can be overcome 0.800 0.032 24.757 < 0.0001
2 Withstanding pressure 0.711 0.036 19.549 < 0.0001
3 Having pride in one’s ability to master challenges 0.696 0.042 16.654 < 0.0001
4 Believing one has abilities 0.852 0.025 34.187 < 0.0001
5 Facing a problem makes one fight actively 0.820 0.026 32.131 < 0.0001
6 Always being fully conscious about it 0.691 0.039 17.762 < 0.0001
7 Being one of those who are talented 0.837 0.027 31.111 < 0.0001
8 This obstacle gives rise to learning 0.782 0.034 22.771 < 0.0001
9 This time of crisis provides an opportunity 0.766 0.033 22.965 < 0.0001

Est = Estimated coefficients, SE = standard error, Fit statistics showed Chi-square = 39.717, df = 23, p = 0.017, CFI = 0.995, TLI = 0.992, RMSEA 0.056 (90% CI 0.024–0.085), SRMR = 0.023.