Figure 8.
Early PBM treatment mitigates ELA-induced chronic oxidative damage in oligodendrocyte. A (a-f) and B (a-f) Representative immunofluorescence staining for 4HNE with PDGFRαand Olig2 in CA1 region of the hippocampus. A (g) and B (g) Fluorescent intensity of 4HNE was calculated by ImageJ analysis software and expressed as percentage changes versus respective control group. A (h) and B (h) Detection and quantification of relative levels of ROS in protein samples by fluorescence spectrophotometry. ROS and oxidative damage levels were significantly increased in animals exposed to ELA, which was attenuated by PBM treatment. C (a, b) Quantitative analysis of total antioxidant capacity by an antioxidant assay kit. ELA leads to compromised antioxidant capacity, and early PBM treatment largely reverses this deficiency. Scale bar = 20 µm. All data are presented as mean ± SE (n = 5-7). * P < 0.05 versus Control-group; # P < 0.05 versus ELA-group.