Possibilities of intraareal and interareal information processing with changes of behavioral states. Information processing associated with object recognition, movement planning, and execution takes place in multiple, distinct brain areas of the frontoparietal grasping network. It is unknown how information processing is distributed over those areas and how that distribution “updates” as the task progresses. (A) A schematic view of all possibilities of interareal and intraareal processing of information within and between consecutive cortical areas. Depicted is the frontoparietal grasping network (M1, AIP, and F5) investigated in this study and described in more detail below. Information processing is divided into feedforward, feedback, and intrinsic processing, as the three major directions indicated by color. (B) Schematic illustration showing that it is still unclear whether information processing between and within areas changes for different behavioral states, illustrated by the example of the perception of a fruit, the internal preparation to grasp the fruit and the actual movement execution for grabbing the fruit.