Receiver operating characteristic curves for the development set and the validation set of 3 prediction models. These models adjusted age (continuous), residence located in urban or rural areas (urban and rural), marital status (married and unmarried), income (lower 6500 RMB, 6500-24 000 RMB and more than 24 000 RMB), education (illiteracy, 0-6 years and above 6 years), BMI (continuous), drinking (current, noncurrent), smoking (current, noncurrent), diabetes (yes or no), sedentary time (continuous), sleeping quality (very well, well, bad and very bad), weekly fruit consumption frequency (7, 4-6, 2-3 days and less than 1 day), PHQ-9 scores (continuous), BADL (continuous), self-rated squat ability (no difficulty, with some difficulty and unable to perform), handgrip strength (continuous): (A) handgrip strength (development set), (B) handgrip strength (validation set), (C) self-rated squat ability (development set), (D) self-rated squat ability (validation set), (E) handgrip strength and self-rated squat ability (development set), and (F) handgrip strength and self-rated squat ability (validation set).