(a) Effect of initial
water concentration on Faradaic efficiency
in electrolytes of 0.2 M, 0.6 M, 0.8 M, 1 M LiClO4 in THF
with 1% v/v ethanol. In each experiment, 10 C was passed at a current
density of −2 mA cm–2. Each data point represents
a single experimental measurement. Faradaic efficiency data can be
found in Table S1. Error bars represent
the standard error calculated from the standard addition method of
ammonia quantification (see Supporting Information, Figure S1). (b) A heat map showing the variation in Faradaic efficiency
with LiClO4 concentration and water concentration, using
data from panel a. Intermediate values have been obtained by linear
interpolation between measured values. Measured values are shown as
black circles.