Cemdomespib has prolonged pharmacodynamic efficacy
following drug
withdrawal. (A) *, p < 0.02 versus response after
12 weeks of cemdomespib (open blue circle, 2-way mixed-effect analysis,
and Tukey’s test); #, p < 0.04 versus time-matched
vehicle (2-way mixed-effect analysis and Sidak’s test). Blue
and red open circles indicate the time point for the removal of two
animals from each group to assess MNCV. Data are mean ± SEM and
dotted lines are smoothed data. (B) MNCV and grip strength were improved
after 12 weeks of cemdomespib therapy (blue circle) compared to vehicle
(red circle), and efficacy was reversed after 8 weeks of drug withdrawal
(solid blue circle). Solid line shows linear regression analysis (r2 = 0.62) and 95% confidence intervals (dotted