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. 2023 Feb 14;14:7. doi: 10.1186/s13229-022-00536-z

Table 1.

CRISIS AFAR Parent Baseline Survey v0.5.1 (3–21 years): Domains and Items

Shared with CRISIS AFAR-specific
Domain Background Coronavirus/COVID-19 Health/Exposure Status Life Changesd COVID-19 Worriesd Behavior/
Adaptive Living Skillsc,d RRBc,d Co-Occurring Problem Behaviorb,c,d Servicesc
Item Descriptions Age, sex at birth, gender Any family impact Food insecuritya Worried self, other Bed time weekdays, weekends Entertains self Repetitive motor mannerisms Hyperactivity, difficulty staying on task School
Ancestry Family member COVID-19 diagnosed Financial difficulty Physical worries Falling and staying asleepc Structures time Sensory seeking

Getting angry/

losing temper

Outside school
Health insurance, government assistance Last 2-week exposure, symptom count Housing instability concern Reading and talkinga Hours of sleep weekdays, weekends Self-care Rituals or routines Verbal aggression
Urbanicity, household School closed, job loss Positive changes Mental worries Exercisea, time outdoors Mealtime Independence Insist others maintain routines Physical aggression
Essential workers Time outside home TV and media, video games

Highly restricted/

strong interest

Deliberately injuring self
Child’s physical health, neuropsychiatric diagnosesa Difficulty distancing Social mediab,c Adjustment to changes



Current grade, level/employment,a Event cancellation stressa Tech to engage with familyb,c Crying easily
Educational settingc Stay-at-home stress Tech to engage with peersb,c Worry social situations
Respondent relation to child, age, and educationa Hopefully enda Worry separation from caregiver
Other caregiver’s educationa Fearful
# of items 20 6 7 5 13 4 6 11 7
Time targeted At time of completion Last 2 Weeks Three months prior to pandemic and last 2 weeks Pre-pandemic and current

CRISIS AFAR retained CRISIS key content and structure (e.g., last 2 weeks for COVID-19 Impact, COVID-19 Worries and Life Changes domains, the 3 months prior to the pandemic start in the respondent’s geographical area and last 2 weeks for the other Likert-scale items).a: Item slightly reworded; b: Item not asked for children younger than 5 years; c: Domain/item added in CRISIS AFAR. See Main Text and Additional File 1: Methods for more details on the adaptation process, as well as Additional File 1: Methods and Tables S5-S6 for the AFAR factor structure; d: Likert-scale items. See for complete survey