(A) Vertical transmission of Arsenophonus nasoniae aPv in Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae. Light gray points and errors represent infection prevalence of 20 replicate broods laid by single infected mothers (15 randomly selected female offspring screened from each brood). Dark point and errors show the mean proportion of progeny infected and mean 95% confidence interval calculated using the logit method. (B) Fraction of P. vindemmiae progeny carrying A. nasoniae aPv when half of mother wasps carry aPv. Pale points and errors represent infection prevalence in 20 replicate broods co-laid by 2:2 infected:uninfected mothers (15 randomly selected female offspring screened from each brood). Dark points and errors represent mean infection prevalence and upper and lower 95% confidence intervals calculated with the logit method. Dashed line illustrates the null expectation of 50% infection if there is no horizontal transmission (HT) and no (dis)advantage to symbiont infection.