Predicted monthly percent of live discharges in all patients, patients with ADRD, and patients with lung/trachea cancer,a July 2008 – Sept 2019
Abbreviations: Dx=Diagnoses; FTT=Failure-to-thrive/debility exclusion notice; IMPACTp = IMPACT Act passage; IMPACTi = IMPACT Act implementation; TTP=two-tier pay implementation
a Predicted trends in this figure were estimated for the “average” hospice, by fitting fully adjusted models to each hospice-month observation, with time-varying hospice- (H) and county- (C) covariates set to the average sample values; additionally, month fixed effects coefficients were set to 0 in these computations in order to exclude seasonality effects and more clearly show trends over time. Red asterisks indicate statistically significant (p<0.05) differences between pre-policies and post-policies slopes.