Table 1.
Item reduction table
Keep/drop | Rationale for dropping | |
GHD-CTB items | ||
CTB01 How much shots hurt | Keep | |
CTB02 How much shots sting | Keep | |
CTB03 How much shots burn | Drop | Correlated with 02 ‘Sting’ (0.70), high ceiling effect (70%) |
CTB04 How much bruising | Keep | |
CTB05 How much soreness | Keep | |
CTB06 How often worried about getting shots | Keep | |
CTB07 How often worried about shots hurting | Keep | |
CTB08 How often worried about remembering to take | Keep | |
CTB09 How often embarrassed take shots to grow | Drop | Correlated with 13 ‘Diff needing shots’ (0.55), high ceiling effect (73%) |
CTB10 How often scared about getting shots | Keep | |
CTB11 How often annoyed by shots | Keep | |
CTB12 How often unhappy about how often take shots | Keep | |
CTB13 How often feel bothered different | Keep | |
CTB14 How often try to avoid/delay getting shots | Drop | Correlated with 06 ‘Worried’ (0.60) and 10 ‘Scared’ (0.61) |
CTB15 How often miss doing things because of shots | Keep | |
CTB16 How often need to change plans because of shots | Keep | |
CTB17 How often shots interrupt wanted to do | Keep | |
GHD-PTB items | ||
PTB18 Worry causing your child pain when giving the injection | Keep | |
PTB19 Worry remembering to give the injection | Keep | |
PTB20 Worry doing the injection correctly | Keep | |
PTB21 Worry preparing the injection correctly | Drop | Correlated with 20 ‘Doing injection correctly’ (0.77), high ceiling effect (73%) |
PTB22 Often anxious about giving the injection | Drop | Correlated with 20 ‘Doing injection correctly’ (0.79) and 18 ‘Causing pain when injecting’ (0.69), high ceiling effect (61%) |
PTB23 Often guilty that your child needs injections | Drop | Correlated with 25 ‘Sad child needs injections’ (0.77) |
PTB24 Often frustrated with your child's behavior related to injections | Keep | |
PTB25 Often sad about your child needing injections | Keep | |
PTB26 Often interfere with your social life | Keep | |
PTB27 Often interfere with your travel plans | Keep | |
PTB28 Often interfere with your daily routine | Keep | |
PTB29 Often interfere with your family schedules | Drop | Correlated with 28 ‘Interfere with daily routine’ (0.81), high ceiling effect (70%), low item-to-total correlation (0.39) |
CTB Child Treatment Burden, GHD-CTB Growth Hormone Deficiency–Child Treatment Burden Measure, GHD-PTB Growth Hormone Deficiency–Parent Treatment Burden Measure, PTB Parent Treatment Burden