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. 2022 Oct 18;7(1):121–138. doi: 10.1007/s41669-022-00373-z

Table 2.

Factor analyses

Factor loadings
GHD-CTB–Child and GHD-CTB–Observer Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3
Emotional Well-being CTB12 How often unhappy about how often take shots 0.808 0.163 0.024
CTB10 How often scared about getting shots 0.794 0.103 0.263
CTB06 How often worried about getting shots 0.748 0.123 0.301
CTB07 How often worried about shots hurting 0.745 0.081 0.374
CTB11 How often annoyed by shots 0.739 0.164 0.029
CTB13 How often feel bothered different 0.486 0.421 0.015
Interference CTB16 How often need to change plans because of shots 0.168 0.829 0.154
CTB17 How often shots interrupt wanted to do 0.053 0.770 0.176
CTB15 How often miss doing things because of shots 0.185 0.727 -0.092
CTB08 How often worried about remembering to take 0.038 0.521 0.282
Physical CTB04 How much bruising 0.186 0.097 0.775
CTB05 How much soreness 0.153 0.316 0.768
CTB02 How much shots sting 0.507 0.059 0.525
CTB01 How much shots hurt 0.610 0.015 0.512
GHD-PTB Factor 1 Factor 2
Emotional Well-being PTB18 Worry causing your child pain when giving the injection 0.801 0.099
PTB20 Worry doing the injection correctly 0.745 0.149
PTB25 Often sad about your child needing injections 0.696 − 0.026
PTB24 Often frustrated with your child's behavior related to injections 0.642 0.083
PTB19 Worry remembering to give the injection 0.574 0.352
Interference PTB26 Often interfere with your social life 0.086 0.834
PTB27 Often interfere with your travel plans 0.030 0.806
PTB28 Often interfere with your daily routine 0.207 0.768

CTB Child Treatment Burden, GHD-CTB–Child Growth Hormone Deficiency–Child Treatment Burden Measure–Child, GHD-CTB–Observer Growth Hormone Deficiency–Child Treatment Burden Measure–Observer, GHD-PTB Growth Hormone Deficiency–Parent Treatment Burden Measure, PTB Parent Treatment Burden