Sampling trap design and composition (first three letters of genus) for the bee community at 1, 10, 20, and 30 meters above the ground with blue vane traps to represent the understory, midstory, canopy, and above the canopy of the forest, respectively, in the spring when floral resources were available and in the summer at full leaf‐out when floral resources were depleted. Augochlorella and Anthidium genera are unabbreviated to differentiate from Augochlora (Aug) and Anthidiellum (Ant), respectively. Traps in the understory, midstory, and canopy were attached to a rope hung over a high branch in the canopy and anchored to a nearby stem for easy collection. The trap above the canopy was employed using a telescoping hanger designed as described in Cunningham‐Minnick et al. (2022), which had a rope threaded through the hanger that was anchored to the stem in the understory to allow the trap to be lowered along with another cord at the trap to aid in lowering (not depicted). Numbers next to pie charts represent total abundance across sites.