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. 2023 Jan 30;42(4):e112253. doi: 10.15252/embj.2022112253

Table 2.

Negative‐stain EM data collection, refinement and validation statistics.

DDB1‐DCAF12‐CCT5 (PDB‐8AJO) (EMDB−15486)
Data collection and processing
Microscope FEI Tecnai Spirit
Camera FEI Eagle
Voltage (kV) 120
Magnification 49,000
Defocus (μm) −1 to −3
Number of micrographs 167
Pixel size (Å) 2.125
Initial particle images (no.) 14,848
Final particle images (no.) 2,923
Symmetry imposed C1
Map resolution (Å), FSC threshold 0.143 30
Non‐hydrogen atoms 10,269
Protein residues 2,052
Map sharpening B factor (Å2) N.A. a
Bond lengths (Å) 0.005
Bond angles (°) 1.106
B factor (Å2) 600.00
Clashscore 0.26
Poor rotamers (%) N.A. b
Ramachandran plot
Favored (%) 98.48
Allowed (%) 1.52
Outliers (%) 0.00
C‐beta deviations 0.00
Model‐to‐data fit
CCmask 0.5736
CCbox 0.8041
CCpeaks 0.3107
CCvolume 0.4072

No sharpening performed.


Side chains were removed from final model.