A, B
Nitarsone treatment did not affect body weight of (A) TBA2.1 (N = 22–24 animals per group) or (B) 5xFAD mice (N = 11–13 animals per group).
Nitarsone treatment does not change amyloid load in (C, E) TBA2.1 and (D, F) 5xFAD mice. (C, D) Confocal images averaged from two sections of the molecular layer of CA1 labeled for amyloid‐β (4G8 antibody) and co‐stained with DAPI. Scale bar: 100 μm. (E, F) Bar plots representing the number of amyloid‐β‐positive puncta. (E) TBA2.1 N = 40–50 CA1 regions 6–9 animals per genotype and (F) 5xFAD N = 33–40 CA1 regions 6–7 animals per genotype.
G, H
Nitarsone rescues the reduction of CREB immunoreactivity in NeuN positive cells in CA1 of TBA2.1 mice. (G) Representative confocal images of CA1 cryosections from 11‐week‐old mice stained for NeuN, DAPI, and CREB. Scale bar: 10 μm. (H) Bar plot of CREB nuclear staining intensity. N = 21–34 hippocampal sections from 6 to 9 animals.
I, J
Nitarsone does not affect CREB immunoreactivity in NeuN‐positive cells in CA1 of TBA2.1 mice. (I) Representative confocal images of CA1 cryosections from 18‐week‐old mice stained for NeuN, DAPI, and CREB. Scale bar: 10 μm. (J) Bar plot of CREB nuclear staining intensity. N = 28–34 hippocampal sections from 6 to 7 animals.
K, L
TBA2.1 mice do not display neuronal loss at the beginning of the Nitarsone treatment. (K) Representative confocal images of distal CA1 cryosections from 4 weeks old mice stained for NeuN, DAPI, and CREB. Scale bar: 10 μm. (L) Bar graph representing the average number of NeuN‐positive cells normalized to WT treated with vehicle. N = 8–16 hippocampal sections from 2 to 3 animals.
M, N
5xFAD mice do not display neuronal loss at the end of the Nitarsone treatment. (M) Representative confocal images of distal CA1 cryosections from 19‐week‐old mice stained for NeuN, DAPI, and CREB. Scale bar: 10 μm. (N) Bar graph representing the average number of NeuN‐positive cells normalized to WT treated with vehicle. N = 6 hippocampal sections from two animals.
O, P
Basal synaptic transmission is not affected by bath application of Nitarsone in (O) TBA2.1 and (P) 5xFAD mice. TBA2.1: N = 14–18 slices from 5 to 6 mice and 5xFAD: N = 17–18 slices from six mice.
Q, R
(Q) Nitarsone treatment does not influence preference index and (R) distance traveled during open‐field arena exploration of TBA2.1 mice. N = 12–13 mice per group.
S, T
(S) Nitarsone treatment does not influence preference in‐dex and (T) slightly normalizes increased distance traveled during open‐field arena exploration of 5xFAD mice. N = 12 mice per group.