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. 2023 Jan 13;34(2):br2. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E22-11-0524


Frequency of cargo cotransport.

Strain DRC2-GFP (N) (ante/retro) DRC4-mC (N) (ante/retro) Cotransports (N) (ante/retro) Cilia (N) Time (s)
ida6 pf2 DRC2-GFP DRC4-mC (regenerating flagella) 225(212/13) 152(142/10) 47(44/3) 52 3158
CC-5325 × ida6 pf2 DRC2-GFP DRC4-mC (mutant-derived flagella) 137(130/7) 117(107/10) 11(9/2) 73 5165

The table lists the observed IFT transports for DRC2-GFP and DRC4-mC in flagella of the double mutant–double rescue strain and in wild-type–derived zygotic cilia obtained by mating CC-5325 and ida6 pf2 DRC2-GFP DRC4-mC.