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. 2022 Apr 19;33(4):1476–1488. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhac150

Table 1.

Cognitive outcome variables from the cognitive battery.

Cognitive test Cognitive domain Outcome variable Descriptive statistics
Mean SD Range
HVTL-R Verbal episodic memory Total Recall 26.96 3.72 19–33
Delayed Recall 9.73 1.61 7–12
Retention Rate 93.46% 10.93% 73–100%
Recognition Score 11.19 1.02 8–12
SDMT Processing Speed Total Score 56.19 5.72 45.45–68.18
Stroop Executive Function/Inhibition Control Incongruent Score 109.42 5.22 89–112
Incongruent RT 102.50 19.67 55–147
Congruent RT 53.58 10.11 39–89
Frontal Lobe Dysfunction Score 0.26 0.13 0.2–0.8
COWAT Executive Function/Verbal Fluency Total Score 42.50 11.92 21–68
Color Trails Executive Function/Cognitive Flexibility CT1 Score 30.88 8.59 17–50
CT2 Score 56.88 8.77 45–75
Interference Index 0.96 0.54 0.11–2.38
CESD-R Depression Total Score 9.12 8.54 0–31

Abbreviations: HVTL-R, Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised; SDMT, The Symbol Digit Modalities Test; COWAT, The Controlled Oral Word Association Test; CESDR-R, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale—Revised; CT, Color Trails; RT, reaction time; SD, standard deviation.