a, SDS-PAGE analysis of the recombinant full-length
biliprotein. Gels were either stained for protein with Coomassie blue (left)
or assayed for bound PΦB by zinc-induced fluorescence (right). MM,
molecular mass standards. Samples were indistinguishable to those described
by Burgie et al.2
b, UV-vis absorbance spectra of PhyB. The spectra were
collected from dark-adapted samples (Pr) or after saturating irradiation
with 660-nm red light (RL, mostly Pfr). Absorption maxima were determined
from the difference spectrum shown at 70% amplitude. The spectral change
ratio (SCR)8 at 723 nm is
indicated in parenthesis. c, Work flow for data processing of
the cryo-EM images of the PhyB dimer. In the first refined overall map at
3.4-Å resolution, all PhyB domains were present but the regions
encompassing the PAS1 domain were poorly resolved. Focused refinement,
excluding the PAS1 domains, led to the 3.3-Å final map (lower left
panel). Lower right panel shows that the EM density of the flexible PAS1
domains (purple), which were captured at 15-Å resolution by 3D
variability analysis of down-sampled particle images.
d–h, Resolution estimation of the 3.3-Å 3D
map. d, A representative cryo-EM micrograph sampled from 6,153
micrographs collected. e, Sampling of 2D class averages.
f, Colored-coded local resolution of the 3D map.
g, Eulerian angle distribution of raw particle images used
in the final 3D reconstruction. h, Gold-standard Fourier shell
correlation (FSC) and the validation of the atomic model by correlation
curves comparing the model to the final and two half maps.