Motifs/residues are colored as in Fig.
1b. a, Fitting of the nPAS, GAF and PHY domains, and
the hairpin (HP) motif within the EM map density (light grey surface) of
protomer A and protomer B. PΦB is shown in red. b,
Superposition of the PhyB PSM determined by cryo-EM of the full-length PhyB
(protomer A; slate blue) and by X-ray crystallography of the PhyB PSM (grey;
residues 90–624, PDB ID code, 4OUR32). c, PΦB
conformations (in sticks) in protomers A and B modeled within the EM map
density (grey mesh). The A-D pyrrole rings are labeled along with Cys357
that forms a thioether linkage to the C31 carbon of PΦB.
The D ring C182 carbon is indicated. d,
Superposition of the PΦB structures determined by cryo-EM of the
full-length PhyB protomer A (colored) and by X-ray crystallography of the
PhyB PSM (grey). e, The bilin-binding pockets of protomers A
and B highlighting neighboring amino acids (sticks) and superposed in the EM
map density (grey mesh). f, Superposition of the bilin-binding
pocket determined from the cryo-EM structure of full-length PhyB protomer A
with the X-ray crystallographic structure of the PhyB PSM.